Chapter 21: life story

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I heard something in the kitchen right after I said that. My mom was sitting at the table looking down at a piece of paper. "Mom?" She looked up and she was crying. I rushed over to her to hug her, I don't even care what this is about at the moment. all I knew is that my mom needs me. I let go of the grip I had on my mom. "Mom, what's wrong?"

She sniffled a little bit before handing me the piece of paper that was in front of her. I read it slowly just to make sure what I am reading is real.

Dear Tina and Gianna,
I'm sorry. I can't do this anymore. After losing Austen, and having Josh just leave because of that. I can't do this anymore. I am losing my family. By the time you are reading this, all of my things will be gone. I am divorcing you Tina. Gianna, I hate to do this to you  because I know what you have been through. But I can't do this anymore. Don't ever try to contact me. If you do I will not acknowledge your presence. I have moved on, as should you. I will keep paying for the house to help you out and pay for child support and what not. But I am finished with this family. I will love you both for a long time. One day, I hope that you could forgive me. I will be sending you the papers about the divorce. Goodbye.

I can't believe this. I rushed upstairs to check all of my dad's belongings. They were all gone. Everything. Every single piece of clothing, books, apparel, everything. I ran straight to my room and slammed the door, collapsing on my bed. Why must everything happen to me? All I did was cry for hours. My phone started going off like crazy and I threw it at the wall, luckily the thing is virtually indestructible so I won't need to replace it.

After what seemed like hours of crying, my mom came in. "G, honey you okay?" she asked while she sat on my bed. I sat up and just looked at her. "Yes mom, of course I'm okay. It's just that after years and years of having a horrible life something is finally starting to go right and I was even asked to tag along with my friends on a tour. But, then of course when everything starts to go good in my life, something has to happen. Everyone leaves and everyone hates me mom." I said mostly sarcastically  until the last sentence. Then I started bawling my eyes out again. My mom pulled me into a hug. "I'm so sorry sweety. I don't know why things go bad and if I could, I would prevent them from happening to you." There was a long pause of neither of us saying anything, just hugging. "How about this, as long as you stay safe, you can go in this tour thing and I will take care of this. I don't want you here when all of this is happening and it would give you a better chance to get to know your friends better." I sighed. "Okay. Thank you Mom, for being here."

After my mom got us some dinner, I went back to my room to go to sleep. Just as I was about to fall asleep, I heard my phone ding. I got up to find my phone wherever I threw it. I unlocked my phone to see that I had almost 20 messages, and about nine calls. I went to the most recent text I had which was from Ethan.

from Eth😻🦁:
heyyyy! did you ask yet?
to Eth😻🦁:
yea i did, i can go
from Eth😻🦁:
yaaaassssssss!!! im sooooooo happy oh and before you ask, yes ur sharing a room with all the girls and all the guys are gonna be in a different room
to Eth😻🦁:
k.. ill tell my mom
from Eth😻🦁:
okay!!! goodnight beautiful, get some rest
to Eth😻🦁:
ok you too!

Then I went to my next message which was from Shawn.

from ssshhhhhhaaaaawwwwnnn😊🤗🐓:
hey g, what's wrong? matt is literally blowing up my phone with how much he is worried about you
g please don't do anything bad, im really worried

I decided to ignore that message 'cuz I really don't wanna talk about it yet. Then I went to all of the messages from Matt.

from matty matt matt🐢🐢🐢:
HEY!!! G
damn it, please open the window
please answer me, I wanna know what's wrong
gianna, cupcake please
i want to see you smile i can't stand seeing you like this
i'm gonna text you until i get a response
i'm coming over.

With that last message I heard a knock on my door. I went over to it and Matt was standing right there. He looked so worried. The first thing he did was pull me into a hug, and I just started to cry again. He picked me up and brought me over to my bed, sitting down with me in his lap. "Gianna, can you talk to me?" he asked. I slowly nodded my head after my crying slowed and my breathing started going back to normal. "Okay. Gianna I'm only going to ask you once and you don't have to respond if you don't want to, but could you tell me what happened?" Matthew said looking into my eyes. He said this in the most concerning voice I have ever heard from someone. "M-m-m-my d-dad. He... he um...h-h-he l-left." I stuttered out.

Before I could do anything, he engulfed me into a gigantic hug almost squeezing the life out of me. "Matt.... squeeze.... hard..." I managed to get out ,he then loosened his grip on me. "I'm sorry cupcake. I'm here for you if you ever need anything. You know that right?" He asked me. "Yea Matthew, I know. This is now one of the top three worst days of my life." I immediately regretted saying that. "What are the other two?" he asked. I really need to think before I speak sometimes. "Ummm... one of them is when my brother um.... he left us like three years ago. T-t-t-that was because of me. Because of of what happened on the other worst day of my life." He was staring into my eyes and hugging me at the same time. I have no idea how I am managing to tell him all of this. He is a really great friend and listener. "Do you wanna tell me what happened that day?" He gently asked rubbing circles on my back helping me calm down a little. I slowly moved away from his grasp and stood up in the middle of the room.

"I um... I used to have a sister, Austen. My brother was four years older than me, my sister was two years older than me. The three of us were really close. I used to sit on the roof at night just clearing my thoughts off. No one knew I did that, except for Austen. She was the only one who ever understood how I really was. One night, Austen came out onto the roof with me. I had just turned fourteen. We were just fooling around with each other and just talking.Then we started talking about something, we ended up arguing. I was so mad at her because she had said she never loved me and she hated me just a moment before. She was just mad because she didn't really mean it. No one ever does in an argument. I started crying because I actually believed her and she was my only friend. I turned around and tried to walk off the roof since the one person who I actually thought cared about me hated me. I was gonna do it, I really was."

I paused for a moment letting all of this sink in. Matthew looked like he was on the verge of crying.I didn't notice until now that I actually was crying.

"Austen saw what I was gonna do. I was so close. Just one more step and I would have been gone. Instead, Austen ran to me. She grabbed my arm, pulling me back and making us switch places. We were both still standing, we were crying so much. Then I fell. I fell going off the roof. Before I could stop, I knocked Austen down with me. We fell off the roof together. She landed on the driveway, I landed right on top of her. Both of my legs were broken as well as a few ribs. But Austen. She..... she was bleeding everywhere. I tried to get her to respond but nothing worked. She was dead. I screamed at the top of my lungs, as loud as I could. Josh was the first one out followed by my parents. Then some of the neighbors came out. Everything after that happened in a rush. I don't remember the rest of the night. I just remember how my brother and parents were. A few days later, Josh left. He left my parents a note, telling them where he was. I never found out where. Then I had a note from him. He hated me. He blamed me for everything that happened and didn't want to see me anymore. He wrote everything down on how he felt about me. It was just like how everyone else felt about me. That I-I was a slut, a-a-a stupid whore. Someone who didn't deserve to live. That I was the ugliest and fattest person ever. That was-uh.. that was the day I started. I didn't stop. Even when my parents found out and tried to get me help, I couldn't stop. I finally stopped when I found out that I was moving here."

By the end of my story, Matthew was crying as was I. But he was crying more. I wanted to ask why, but I didn't trust my voice. He stood up. I honestly thought he was gonna leave, but what he did surprised me. He kissed me.

DO YOU GUYS LIKE THE DOUBLE UPDATE??? im literally just sitting here writing when im supposed to be studying for finals... oops. i think imma start off the next chapter With matts pov.... idk.. BUT YOU GUYS FINALLY GOT TO HEAR HER STORY!!! yayyyyyy!!! i dont know what im saying now so imma just stop.. dont forget to comment and vote! 😘 -G

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