Part 8

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Important note :-

This is not continuation of part 7. So, please don't get confused. This is Kate's lament and thoughts on her one sided love for her now married best friend Dan. I hope you all will like it.

So here it is :-

I really don't know when will I be able to let you go.
You still affect me so much and you don't even need a reason for it.

You were never mine and you could never be.
Yet, it feels so good to think of you as solely mine ... in my illusional world and dreams.

You came into my life and then slowly but surely you captured my heart.
But then you flew away with it ... to create your own world, forgetting to return it back.
I guess you never knew you had it in the first place.

Somewhere I see you, miss you, yearn for you and think if you would ever feel the same way for me as you feel for her.
I know the answer will always be no because you will never feel the same.

You are forbidden for me to have. I can see you but can't be with you. I can smile at you but could never be your reason to smile. I can talk to you but can't share what I feel for you.

Because its better this way, locked in some corner of my heart whose key is lost.

I know there has never been an "us" for you.
But for me there has always been only us till now- you and me together ... in my thoughts, in my dreams, in my mind and in my heart.

Sometimes I think I am better off without you. But god knows that I am damn jealous of her. I just can't help it.

She is lucky to have you ... believe me.
Or maybe I still don't know you enough. Maybe whatever I think of you is what I imagine you to be because I have still not crashed into your real self.

But when has heart seen reason and thought like brain?... For you cause my brain to shut down whenever you are present.

Why do you have such a control over me?
I hate feeling so helpless and vulnerable Dan ... I really do.

Author's Note :-

Please vote and post your comments and let me know what you think of this part.

Hearts That Beat As OneOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora