Chapter 1: The Letters

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Update: Re-edit

Chapter One: The Letters

Hermione Granger woke up at 8:00 am to a slight tapping noise on the window closest to her bed. Looking up and towards the said window she saw an owl carrying what looked to be a Hogwarts letter, the no-longer bushy haired girl opened the window to let the bird in only to notice yet another owl though this one was younger and more energetic. She immediately knew this one to be her boyfriend Ron's owl. Wondering which of the letters to open first she decided on the former, unsealing the Hogwarts envelope. She read the letter that had her school supplies list and along with the regular letter that told her Hogwarts had been re built during the remaining of the summer/ school year since the war. Still feeling a weight at the bottom of the envelope she reached inside and pulled out a small ruby red pin, that had a golden bar that wrapped halfway around it inscribed in the bar was written the words "Head Girl". Smiling to herself Hermione then opened the letter from her boyfriend.

"Hey Hermione,

I was wondering how your summer has been, hopefully well. Harry finally purposed to Gin, Though I don't understand why now, seems very soon. Mum's all in a frenzy about it, she's hounding George on proposing to Angelina though, George has told me that he won't be doing that for awhile. I can understand after Fred... Georgie hasn't been the same. Dad's told me that we are going to another Quidditch match this summer I would have invited you but I don't know how you will react after the end of this letter.

You and I aren't the same anymore we barely talk, and to be honest I have feelings for someone else. You wouldn't know her I met her working with George in the shop. I'm sorry Hermione, Bloody hell though it's not fair to you, I think we should break up Mione.

Your Friend,

Ronald Weasley"

Hermione read the letter tears were beginning to come out and drip down her cheeks. Her boyfriend and one of her best friends just broke up with her. She decided that though she was upset the best way for her to move on would be to go to Diagon Alley and purchase her new school books as well as attempt to have to bookkeeper at Flourish and bolts fix her copy of "Hogwarts a History" a book she has read and reread since her first year. So that's exactly what the Brightest witch of her age did. Hermione headed over to her fire place put a hand into the flower pot just above it and pulled out a handful of gray powder called Floo powder. Stepped into her fire place and called out "Diagon Alley" very clearly and carefully as she had remembered what happened to the boy who lived back in her second year.

Landing in the leaky cauldron, the pub on Diagon Alley she heads to where the brick wall is and tapped three times up, right and down. As soon as the wall opened she walked toward the bookshop where she saw...

Authors note:

Hey, Slytherdors 

 I am back, and hopefully will be posting more often though I am currently re-writing chapters in between school events (Azkaban event) and summer stuff. But hopefully you snakes, and lions. (Along with Eagles and Badgers) enjoyed that chapter.

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