What's wrong with you?

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Harry's P.O.V
My stomach churns at the idea of competing in the Tri-wizard Tournament. 'Why can't my life be easy?' .
I am waiting with the other champions as Dumbledore, McGonagall, Barty Crouch, Mad-eye, Madame Maxime and Igor Karkaroff come downstairs. "Harry, did you put your name in the Goblet of Fire?!!" Dumbledore questions me, or more yells at me. I shake my head "No sir" as the professors talk my mind is a blur until I hear "He must compete". 'What?' They all slowly turn to me, making me really uncomfortable. 'What have I gotten myself into?'
Ron's P.O.V (rare)
I can't believe it. Why would Harry do that, thought he might've told his best friend about it! 'He knew I wanted to be in the Tournament!' I remind myself bitterly. 'Ugh!! I hate when you do things like this Harry!'
Draco's P.O.V
'Why can't I stop thinking about Potter?' Pansy looks over to me, "Are you okay Drakey? You seem upset" she asks. So she's annoying but she really does care, "Yeah, Pans I'm okay- just thinking" and Goyle looks over and says "'bout what?" .
I send him a glare, clearly not catching the 'I don't want to talk about it' look, he continues "Tell us"
'Ugh' I look at Pansy and then Goyle. "Fine. Just about how Potty got his name in that goblet." Hey! It's not a complete lie- I am thinking of Potter. They begin to blabber on about it. 'This is gonna be a long night'

Harry's P.O.V
I sadly walk back to the dormitory, 'why does this always happen to me?' I'm just so tired, that's it I'll go straight [ A/N: sure you will ;) ] to bed. As I enter the common room I see Ginny who just smiles at me, "Goodnight Gin" I say to her. She says "Goodnight Harry- oh and before you leave I know it wasn't you who put your name in. Ron however, well just watch out." I nod "Thanks."
Ginny's right, as soon as I walk in I see Ron. He scowls at me. "So. How'd you do it?" He asks. I stay quiet. "Never mind. You have let your best friend know though." I get angry "Let you know what?" Ron looks at me in fury. "You know bloody well what."
'What is wrong with you Ron?!' I can't believe him! "I didn't ask for this to happen, Ron. Okay? You're being stupid."
Wrong choice of words
"Yeah, that's me, Ron Weasley.... Harry Potter's stupid friend" why is he acting like this?
"I didn't put my name in that cup. I don't WANT eternal glory I just wanna be.. Look, I don't know what happened tonight and I don't know why, it just did okay?" I say in a different tone. Ron just replies "piss off". I can't deal with him tonight. So I do what he asks, I leave. I know students aren't supposed to be out of bed but when have I ever listened anyway? I head to Myrtle's bathroom. Once I'm there I can't help it. All the stress, all the pressure, Ron, The Tournament, the dreams. I burst into tears. 'What would they think of me now? "Harry Potter, The Boy Who Lived crying in a girls bathroom" I'm sure they'd just laugh at me. After all to them I'm just The Golden Boy- I don't have feelings.'

A/N: poor little Harry. :(
don't worry guys Drakey is gonna help. If it seems a little early for them to be friends then feel free to comment about it and I'll see what I can do to change it. Thanks! Bye 😊

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