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I woke up sweating, my wolf calling to me. Looking at the clock the numbers turned twelve. The pleasure that shot through my body was unbelievable. I felt as if I had just spent all day in bed with my mate. I hadn't though because I still hadn't found her.

Why was I feeling this? I got out of bed taking a cold shower since my body was in want of its mate. The only way I could feel this aroused is if she went into heat. I had done my research about female heats wanting to know what would happen to me so that I could be ready when she had hers. I didn't want to be that stupid guy who didn't understand why he was feeling this way. Could today be the day I finally find her? I hope so; I don't think I could take another day without being with her.

I've been waiting eight long years for her and today has to be the day. Getting dresses I call on my parents.

There would be a record of all the female wolves born today even servant wolves are documented. If we would have known her birthday we could have found her sooner, but then we would know who she was to begin with if we knew that.

Even though we live in the castle my parents like me staying in the next room over from there's. I can never hear anything from their bedroom and they can't from mine. I was very close to my parents and I know it hurts them to see me in so much pain not having my mate but knowing she is hiding from me.

Knocking on their door I wait to hear my father's voice.

"Come In Caden."

I opened the door and stepped inside. Walking into the bedroom which was off to the side from the main door; I saw my father sitting up in bed and my mother still laying asleep. It was midnight after all.

"What can I do for you son? Couldn't this wait until morning?"

"Father it's my mate, she is in heat."

I didn't have to say anything more we shared the same way of thinking. It didn't help that we had talked about this day for months.

"I just called the librarian to bring the birth books for this year's eighteen year olds. We will find out who she is my son. Today is the day you have been waiting for. Within a couple of hours she will be in your arms and will never want to leave them." We had talked to the librarian a couple of times about this happening so he would be prepared the day it happened.

You may ask how he called the librarian without picking up a phone. Well that's easy, he is the King and can speak to anyone in their minds. Normal wolves can do that to but they have to be in your pack to do it. Royal wolves can speak to anyone.

We waited for all of ten minutes before there was a knock on the door.

"Come in," My father spoke in his Alpha voice.

"My Highnesses' I have brought the book for today's eighteen year olds. I checked todays date and there are fifty-eight females wolves who were born on this date those many years ago. Fifty of them already have mates and have mated and three of them have died, which leaves only two of them; a Tiffany Marie Clark and a Claudia Bell O'Shea. Miss Clark lives with her parents down town and Miss. O'Shea is a servant who lives in the castle. "He bowed his head after speaking.

"Well we have met Miss. Clark and she defiantly is not my mate. I'm too happy about that. But this Miss. O'Shea I have never heard of or met before even though she works here."

"Son I'm guessing she was sneaked out of the castle whenever you did a search of all the servant females. I wonder why she would want to hide from you. If she is a servant I would think that she would run to you in a heartbeat to be with you and better her standing," My father had his thinking cap on as he spoke.

First Version of A Servant for a Mate (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now