Seperation, Sorrow chains

Start from the beginning

If she is not in your property anymore by tomorrow, the contract will be eliminated and she will be taken back to Bora headquarters. That is all.

Bora Inc.

Her hands were shaking as she read each letter over and over.

"Lucy, unless you want to go back.. Then leave my manor. But listen to me..".
He got close taking the paper from her hands. As he reached for her she clinched a bit, making him stop for a second.

"Lucy...". He knew he hurt her. For gods sake he didn't know what the hell he was doing but he could have the strength to stop. The drink took ahold of his mind.


"I would never hurt you.. But Lucy, when I saw you with Hunter I thought you were going to leave...". He looked down his eyes full of sadness and hurt.

".. I remember everything.. The hurtful things I yelled at you.. The harsh hits my hand did to your skin..". He slowly took her hand, in a gentle manor. He could feel her shake as his fingers touched hers. He knew she's still afraid.

"2 years ago I had a childhood friend names Lisanna. My mother and father would take me with them to the business of the Staruss Family so I could play with her and her siblings. Her older sister Mira and middle brother Elfman. Lisanna was the youngest. My parents told me that when Lisanna and I reach a certain age, we'd be wedded. I didn't know what that many so Lisanna told me we would be like a Fairytale. We'd live happily ever after. But as the years past, I only kept seeing her as my friend. She saw me as a brother. I saw the way my friend Bixlow looks at her. I helped them get together... My parents were unhappy that I broke the engagement. But Lisanna got to change to be with Bixlow... But after a few months, there was a crash on a highway..".

He choked on his words as Lucy watched him shed tears.

"W-what happened"?


Natsu and his friends walked out from the party. Natsu having a punch fight with his friend Gray, only to be stopped by Erza. Of course the red headed girl smacked their heads together.

"Jeez, it's Mirajanes party and you two are acting like children", she spoke in anger.

"HE STARTED IT"! They both spoke at the same time, only then to start fighting again.

The doors opened to reveal Bixlow and Lisanna and half the gang.
"Some part"! Bixlow yelled as he chuckles and laughed with his future bride. Lisanna smiled and kissed his cheek.

"Hey, it's already late. Natsu, let's get you home before Zeref has a fit".
Lisanna spoke.

"Agh, he'll be fine. He's got Mavis"!
Lisanna only shook her head and looked at Natsu.
"Are you drunk"?

He just shrugged at her. "I had a few shots, not that drunk".

Erza made him face her. "What's 1+1"?


Erza smacked his head. "Yep, he's drunk. We should get him home before his parents kill him".

The gang said their goodbyes as Bixlow, Natsu and Lisanna walked to the car.
"We'll give you a ride. I need to get home anyways". Lisanna spoke.

That was the last time I saw those two happy..

I didn't get to say goodbye.

*flashback ends*

"It was my fault..".

Lucy listened to the whole story.
"While driving, Bixlow made a sharp turn and..". He could go on but she had to know the truth. The story on what separated them and what separated him from his best friends.


"T-the truck just came out of no where and.."

He took a deep breath as he cried. This time his hands shook.
"I woke up.. I was hearing sirens and I heard people's voices.. I-I looked to Lisanna. H-her head was bleeding.. She had cuts all over. Glass was everywhere..".

"And.. Bixlow"? She questioned softly, holding both his hands.

".. I-I couldn't stop the bleeding.. Glass cut his neck and he lost too much blood. There was a branch in the window and it crushed his and Lisannas legs".

"... N-Natsu..".

".. Lisanna was my best friend....".

She was sad for him, yet confused.
"What's happened to her.."?

"When the truck hit us, the impact crushed Lisanna. Her skull was cracked and by the time they got us out she was already brain dead".

Lucy's eyes widened as she covered her mouth. "N-Natsu.. I-I'm so sor-"

"The last thing...".

She looked at him.

"The last thing she ever said to me was, "if you ever find someone you know you'll cherish, never let them go". I didn't know what that meant.. Now I do".

She couldn't take it.

"Ever since I met you Lucy, I had a fear of loosing you.. Cause I was afraid to be alone again".

The blonde got to his level and hugged him tightly, letting him cry on her shoulder.

His chains of sorrow have always been with him. Cuffed around his wrist and keeping him in the darkness. But she holds the key to his chains of love. As he holds hers. Her chains of sorrow are with her. The two souls hold each other's key. The chains of love. Love and sorrow.

The Chains of Love and sorrowWhere stories live. Discover now