Michael's New Rival

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Chapter 51: Michael's New Rival

Michael tries not to make things obvious that he was getting jealous of Ryan Reynolds talking to me then Oscar looks at Michael and walks up towards to him.

"Let me guess you're feeling jealous of the famous Ryan Reynolds?" Oscar asked as he chuckles

"Me? Jealous of Ryan Reynolds pfft yeah right" said Michael as he fakes laughs

"Mike you can't fool me but you can fool anyone but not me cause I know you do feel jealous of him" said Oscar

"Maybe I am jealous of Ryan Reynolds but wait I thought this man is married?" Michael asked all confuse

"He is married but maybe he wants to cheat on his wife over for Andrea that could be a one night stand" said Oscar

"Ozzie this isn't funny!! You seriously think that is gonna happen!!" Michael yells

Everyone turns around and looks at Michael that was yelling then I looked at him and shook my head, he smiles at them nervously and plays it cool then Lisa Marie looks at him.

"Why the hell are you yelling for?" Lisa Marie asked

"I'm sorry it's just Ozzie say his stupidly like always" said Michael as he lied

"Hmm ok whatever it is just talk about this later not in front of everyone alright" said Lisa Marie

Michael nods then he continues to watch me with Ryan Reynolds then he looks at me and smiled.

"What was that all about?" Ryan asked

"Well you know that's how Mr. Michael Jackson likes to yell" I said as I giggled

"But why he likes to yell?" Ryan asked

"I don't know but let's not talk about it" I said

Ryan Reynolds nods then it was moments went by we were done with the reenactment of DeadPool but for Netflix, later that day we were all going home then Ryan stops me where I was going and looks at me.

"Hey remember what we talk about?" Ryan asked

"Yeah I remember" I said

"So what did you thought about?" Ryan asked

"Well I'm not sure if your wife will be ok with it" I said

"Girl none sense look my wife isn't a jealous type of girl but don't worry about it" said Ryan as he winks at me

My heart started to pound fast that Ryan just winked at me then suddenly Skyler shows up and interrupt us. He was wearing some causal outfit to the company that he was visiting me

 He was wearing some causal outfit to the company that he was visiting me

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"Ahem what's going on here?" Sky asked

"Oh hi my love I'm glad to see you" I said as I walked up towards to him

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