After we were done shopping it was 4:30 so we drove back to the house. Mahogany and I carried in the bags and the boys were sitting on the couch watching Kung Fu Panda acting out the moves. 

"That's all you got?" Tay asked

"Do you know how much this is!" I asked

"Mahogany normally gets more." Carlos said

"Not really." she said 

"You went to Victoria Secret?" Gillinsky asked

"Yea. Why?" I asked

"Were there hot chicks?" he asked

"Well. I didn't see any chickens, so I don't think that there were any chicks, but if there, it wasn't really hot, so they wouldn't be hot."

"Smart a"

"No swearing!" Tay shouted as he slapped a hand on Gillinsky's mouth

"You think I haven't heard swearing before?" I asked

"Oh. Never mind." Tay said

I went up to my room and put my new clothing and shoes away. I took a shower and put on shorts and a tank-top on then I put my hair in a bun and went downstairs.

I started reading since the boys were watching the whole Kung Fu Panda series and I didn't have anything else to do. I read until 6:30 when Cam jumped on my lap.

"Get off!" I yelled my phone falling to the floor

Mahogany grabbed my phone before it fell. All the other boys came and tackled me.

"Ahhh!" I screamed

All the boys were laughing in a big pile with me at the bottom. 

"I...can't...breathe..." I said

They quickly got off.

"Don't die." Cam said

"I'll try not to." I said laughing

Mahogany handed me back my phone.

"Thanks Mahogany." 

"No problem."

"What do you want for dinner?" Johnson asked

"I don't know."

"Pizza?" Cam asked


"Alrighty mate." Aaron said

"You're not Aussie are you?" I asked

"No." Aaron said laughing

"Tay call and order pizza." I said

"I thought that slave thing wore off after you left." He said

"Nope." I said smiling

"Fine. Cheese or pepperoni?"

"Cheese." I said

We watched Mrs. Doubtfire reminding me of all the times Jade and I watched this movie together. After we finished the movie I was going to go up to my room.

"Hey Pearl." Johnson said


"Did you hear what we asked?" 


"We wanna know more about you and for you to know more about us, so we are going to, if you want, ask questions and we can get to know each other."



Jack Johnson: Best friend?

Pearl: Jade Johnson.

Jack Johnson: Same last name as me.

Pearl: Yea. I never realized that. 

Jack Gillinsky: Ever had a boyfriend?

Pearl: Nope.

Jack Gillinsky: Really?

Pearl: Yup.

Taylor: Favorite color?

Pearl: Sky blue.

Taylor: Any reason why?

Pearl: To think that all 7 billion people on this earth see the same sky at some point. That Jade and mom are seeing this same sky even though I'm states away. Just the thought is comforting.

Taylor: That makes sense.

Nash: Don't you miss your dad?

Pearl: I never knew him. He left after he got my mom pregnant. 

Nash: I'm sorry.

Pearl: It's not your fault. I don't really care anymore. He didn't want me. Didn't want the responsibility. That was his choice and I'm fine with it. 

Matt: What other states have you been to?

Pearl: None. Just Nevada and here. 

Shawn: What place in Canada you want to visit?

Pearl: Winnipeg or Toronto.

Jacob Whitesides: If you were to have a pet, what type would you have?

Pearl: A puppy. They're so cute and innocent. 

Carter: You like reading right?

Pearl: No. I love reading.

Carter: Favorite book?

Pearl: I don't have a favorite book, because I love all the books I have read. My top three series would be Harry Potter, the Hunger Games series and the Divergent series. 

Aaron: Last lie you told?

Pearl: That you guys wouldn't change me. You already did, from the moment I started talking to Jack. He was my savior and will continue to be. 

Jack Johnson: Yes! I won the challenge. 

Pearl: That's the only challenge you'll win against me.

Mahogany: If you could be any age for a week what would it be?

Pearl: However old I am at the time. 

Mahogany: Why?

Pearl: I'm happy with who I am and where I am, I wouldn't change it, even if it's only for a week.

Mahogany: Cool.

Carlos: Back to Gillinsky's question, do you want a boyfriend?

Pearl: Not yet. Not until I find the right boy...I want a relationship like your's and Mahogany's.

Carlos: Thanks 

Pearl: It's the truth. 

Cam: Do you want to hang out with me tomorrow?

Pearl: Sure! Wait, is that your question?

Cam: Yup


I only have one more part of my math final tomorrow and I'm done with school Friday! I have been writing parts of this chapter since my last update, so it's finally done. :)

Love you all...





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