Chapter 6

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Chapter 6:

The day of the dance came faster than Hermione had anticipated. She was so excited it seemed like the days flew by. She couldn’t wait until that night!

She had just arrived back from Hogsmeade after getting her hair and nails done. It was half an hour until the ball, so she decided to help some of the other girls get ready.

She walked into Ginny’s dorm and saw the ginger braiding her hair in front of the mirror. Hermione walked over and sat behind her, taking the girls hair in her hands and starting the braid where the redhead had left off.

“I’m guessing you’re going with Harry.” She said.

Ginny smiled. “Of course!” She exclaimed.

I smiled back at her. “What are you going as?” Hermione asked her.

“I am going as an angel and he is going as the devil.” She replied.

The bushy haired girl laughed. “The perfect costumes for you two.”

“Where’ve you been lately, Hermione?” Ginny asked. “I haven’t seen you around as much.”

“I’ve been keeping to myself a bit, lately.” Hermione said, finishing her hair.

“Thanks.” She said.

“No problem.” Hermione replied.

“It’s not just you spending time with Malfoy?” The redhead asked.

“Of course not, we only see each other in class and at our study sessions.”

“Okay…” Ginny said. She walked over to a white dress, hanging next to the mirror, and pulled it down. She slipped it on and placed a white headband, with a halo attached to it, on her head. She turned to Hermione and asked, “How do I look?”

“Fantastic!” Hermione exclaimed.

Ginny slipped on a pair of white high heels and said, “I’m heading down to meet Harry, see you there!”

Hermione went back to her own dormitory and slipped on her costume. She then headed down to the Great Hall to meet Draco. She stopped at the top of the stairs and looked down, searching for Draco. When she finally spotted him, she continued down the stairs.

Draco looked up at the sound of footsteps on the stairs, and saw Hermione smiling as she walked down to him. ‘Whoa…’ Was all he could think. She was wearing a light blue dress that went down to the floor; it was slightly poofy, with sleeves that hung off her shoulders, and a white wrap, directly under her breasts. She had her hair up in a ‘Cinderella bun’ (as the muggles called it) with a jeweled tiara sitting in front of it. Draco was wearing a black tux, with a white dress shirt, and a black bow tie.

Their costumes were perfect for their characters: Prince Charming and Cinderella. Hermione was excited when she got the letter from Draco saying he’d like to go as them. That was her original costume idea, but she thought he’d never go for it, since it’s more of a muggle story.

They walked into the Great Hall and everyone stared. Hermione had expected the stares, but the music had stopped playing, also. Was it really that big of a deal?

They warily stepped further into the Great Hall, trying to ignore the silence. Slowly but surely everyone turned away and the music started to play again, but a few stares lingered on them.

“You look nice.” Draco said, nervously.

Hermione smiled. “You don’t look to bad, yourself.” She said.

He led her to the dance floor and spun her around. They danced around, ignoring the stares, Draco throwing in a few fancy moves here and there. The night was amazing! …Until a slow song came on.

Hermione moved as to get off the dance floor, but Draco pulled her to him.

“I don’t know how to dance…” She said.

“Just follow me, that’s what you’ve been doing this whole time anyways.” He told her.

She chuckled. “I guess you’re right.”

They started to sway back and forth, Hermione following Draco’s lead. She’d giggle when he spun her and when she looked up at him; he’d always have his cute half smile on.

He pulled her closer and put his forehead to hers, she didn’t protest. She kind of liked it, to be honest, and when the song ended and a more upbeat song started to play, she frowned and they pulled away. It was weird, being okay with slight intimacy between her and Draco, right now. They were supposed to be repelled by each other and now they are slow dancing? Hermione had no answer as to why she was okay with it.

They left the dance floor and headed toward the snack table. Draco got them each a butterbeer and they sat down at a vacant table. People were still staring but they ignored them.

“Well…” Draco started. “This is fun…?”

Hermione giggled. “Yes it is.” She confirmed.

Draco smiled at her. “I’m glad.”

“Me too.” She said.

The night was almost over, but neither of them wanted it to end. Hermione glanced at Draco; he was looking off into space. Did she have feelings for him?

“Her? Why her?” Pansy Parkinson yelled at Draco, snapping Hermione out of her stupor.

“We’re just friends, Pansy.” Draco said, rolling his eyes. The conversation had already caught half the room’s attention.

“You’re friends with the mudblood?” Pansy exclaimed, flailing her arms wildly.

I saw Draco’s face drain of color and he started to look like he did before they were friends. He looked sick, like he was about to throw up.

“They’re no different from us, Pansy! We’re all people!” Draco exclaimed.

Pansy looked shocked, she had a loss for words and stormed out of the room.

Hermione looked to Draco, wide eyed. She had made up her mind, she definitely had feelings for Draco Malfoy.

“What?” He asked, noticing her look of surprise.

“Nothing…” She said, still shocked.

They headed back to the dance floor once they were both rested a bit. They danced the rest of the time and then headed their separate ways to their dormitories. They both were a bit sad that it was over already.

Hermione stripped out of her costume and flopped down on her four poster bed. ‘I have feelings for Draco Malfoy…’ Was all that went through her mind as she slowly fell into a deep slumber.


Draco sat on his bed, shocked at himself. He really did have feelings for a Mudblood! And Hermione Granger of all people! He must be going mad…

Maybe this was good for him! Someone to fall in love with, someone on the other side. Maybe even someone who wouldn’t blame him for the coming events of the year… Would he really be able to kill Dumbledore? Would his newfound liking of Granger knock a little sense into him and he’d be willing to be killed instead?

Would he actually love Granger by the end of the year? Enough to die to keep her happy?

The question that caught in his head kept him awake all night. Would he die for her?

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