Chapter 2: Future-y Invention

Depuis le début

"Hi, Victoria!" We all said at the same time.

"Hello, Ms. Marinette. Welcome all to the program." Victoria greeted with her monotone voice.

"Victoria, please activate the pillow fight game mode." Mom said, giving us four a look.

"Affirmative." Was only Victoria's reply.

Just then the cube scanned the whole house along with us. Just then, the cube floated higher in the air and created a huge dome for us, including some space. All around us was covered in blue as our surroundings were clear except for an appearing small barricades. Maybe for your shield to fight.

I looked at myself, when I felt a goggles appeared in my face. I looked at the others and each one have goggled too. Suddenly the life pads appeared as it was attached at my left arm and in just a few seconds the pillow guns appeared in our arms. Cool!

"So, how do we play this game?" Asked Adrien, who is inspecting his gears around him.

"Simple. Don't get shot with the pillow gun or you'll loose a one life. And if it does your life pads around your arms will fade. Each of us has 3 life pads, If you don't have life pads left which means your out." Mom explained the strategy of the game. We all nodded in understanding.

"Well, I'm afraid I can't play with you all because the costumers down stairs are running wild." My mom laughed at the last part as we all chuckled and nodded.

"Shoot me please." She said. We all looked at each other confused. I was the first to shoot her with a soft pillow and her pad each disappeared as Alya shoot her after I did along with Adrien. Then Mom's pads were all gone.

"Sabine, Your out." Victoria's voice echoed through the hallow graphic room.

"See you all later." Mom waved as she requested a door to appear so she can go out. Victoria approved and mom walked out.

"So, you guys wanna try this out?" Asked Alya who is smirking while looking at us. we all smiled and nodded our head as Nino started shooting pillows.

The end of the Pillow gun has a long small tube, which where we put the small pillows. But when you shoot at someone, the pillow will quickly get bigger when it's escaping the tube.

Nino got shot by Adrien, which left him 1 life left because Alya was the one that shoot him at first, as Adrien yelled in victory, but he didn't noticed my appearance behind him. I quickly pulled the trigger and blasted him with a soft pillow which left him only 2 lives left. he was startled but soon recovered as he ran towards me, randomly shooting some pillows but I dodged them so easily. Just then I saw a small barricade right in front of me, I quickly jumped behind it to be my shield. But what I didn't noticed is that Alya was right beside me all along! She ran towards me and blasted me some pillows 2 times, which leaves me only 1 life left. I only groaned as I ran out behind the barricades, while she only chuckled in victory. Just then Adrien found me and started running towards me and was about to shoot when I shot him first, now he only has 1 life left! I was running away to get my revenge on Alya when I turned back and saw Nino shoot a pillow at Adrien and all of his life pads disappeared along with his other gears.

"Adrien, Your out." Victoria's voice echoed through the huge dome. I also heard Nino yelled in victory as Adrien slowly walked out and requested Victoria for a chair to sit in.

"Affirmative!" Victoria replied as a long chair fit for us four, appeared at the corner. Adrien sat down and watched us fight.

I went back running and chasing Alya at one of the barricades. Just then I spotted her, shooting Nino a pillow which he lost his last life. Alya then started cheering for herself.

"Nino, Your out!" Vitoria said as all Nino's gears disappeared. Nino only rolled his eyes at Alya but has a hint of smirk as he slowly walked towards a sitting Adrien at the corner.

"Only Marinette and Alya remaining." Victoria's monotone voice echoed through the huge dome as mine and Alya's eyes meet each other.

Alya started shooting some pillows randomly at me as I was running forward and dodging her attacks easily. Right at the corner of my eye, I can see both boys staring at me wide eye and jaw drop. I smirk as I continued running and dodging Alya's attacks again. And as was closing in, I slid down and did a little spin at the same I was standing in, right beside Alya and shot her a pillow, which cause her to loose a 1 life. Only one remaining!

I smirk as i was about to shoot her again when i felt a pillow just hit my legs. I gasped as I saw that Alya already shoot at me underneath. All my life pads disappeared along with my gears as also for Alya, who is crossing her arms and smirked victoriously.

"Alya won!" Victoria announced as the huge dome popped out all the confetti in congratulating Alya. The dome slowly disappeared as it turned back into a cube and all the gears was on the couch.

"Game over!" Was Victoria's last word as she was de-activated, or in a word: Turning off.

"How did you learn to move like that?" Nino asked, his eyes were very wide.

"See it. Be it!" Was the only reply I said as I grabbed all the gears with help of the other and put them all together on the old box along the cube. I can to their faces that they are confused.

"Now, let's go grab some snacks down stairs!" I smiled at then as they all nodded at the same time and went down stairs to grab our snacks.

Adrienette: Pajama Party Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant