Cole chuckled and lifted my throbbing head slowly, and slipped a pillow below it so that my head was slightly elevated. "Well we are actually going to be absent today. It's obvious that you can't go to school and of course, as the awesome best friend that I am, I'm staying here to take care of you." He handed me a glass of water and some Tylenol for my headache. I gladly took it. Cole knows me too well. I wonder what I would be like without him. I'd be a total mess, I bet.

"So," I asked after taking a long swig of water. "what happened last night? I don't really remember anything.Why was I drunk?" I straightened up and leaned into Cole's shoulders instead. He wrapped one arm around me. His touch comforted me that it started to ease the throbbing in my head.

"You don't remember drinking a bottle of beer and two cups of gin?" He asked with an amused voice.

I frowned. A bottle of beer and two cups of gin? "I did?"

"Yes, babe. I found you about to fall from the front porch. You told me that Matt gave you something really spicy and since you can't find any water, you opted for those. And by the way, I still have to have a talk with Matt about letting you drink those and eat those spicy stuff."

I giggled at Cole. "Yeah, I think I remember. Don't have a word with Matt. He didn't knew I was bad with alcohol."

"You know you're just too good to be true, right? And no, I am still having a talk with that guy. No one gets my best friend drunk except me." 

I slapped Cole's thigh as he laughed at my poor attempt to hurt him. I was still feeling weak. "I'm hungry, Coley."

Cole nodded and helped me to my feet. "I knew you'd say that. Why don't you go change first? No offense, Tash, but you still reek of alcohol. I'll cook something while you clean up, okay?" He kissed my forehead as I made my way to the shower and soaked myself in hot water for about fifteen minutes.

Since we won't be coming to school today, I decided to put on Cole's green shirt that he left here and some short shorts. The smell of egg and bacons were already filling the kitchen when I wentdownstairs.

I quietly sat down as I waited for Cole to finish cooking. His back was on me, and for the first time, I noticed how well-built and muscular my best friend actually is in his fit white shirt. His broad shoulders were perfect. Heavens! His six pack can also even make you faint. I honestly can't help it but stare each time he walks around the house without a shirt on. He was muscular but not bulky. He was tall but not gigantic. Just perfect. It's not like I haven't noticed it before that I actually have a swoon-worthy best friend. But right now, I start to notice how many girls just can't resist him. He has awesome hair that any girl would give everything just to have their hands run on them. He has eyes that can make you melt. A perfect nose and full mouth and electrifying smile. I have to admit that Cole really is hot.

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