Into the Future

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I laid a flower on Mauve's grave. Even though she was still with us as a ghost, it just felt respectful. The ghost behind me sighed, as if she were bored.

"Alex, let's go home. You don't need to be here," She told me. I nodded in return and packed up my stuff. It was a beautiful day outside, and I wanted to spend it with my friend. We've been like this for a year now. Me, Jamie, and Mauve, going on adventures.

"Hey," I called out to Mauve, "I have something for you." I held the letter, having been on her desk. "I know you've been curious about this."

Mauve muttered something. Then she quietly said, "Can't read. Read it for me." I sighed and unfolded the letter. I keep forgetting that about her, she seems to know everything and plan for everything.

I cleared my voice, sitting down on the dew-covered grass.

"Report from M.D. Lab,

Subject: Rebecca Stone

The clone appears to respond to physical interactions and behavioral therapy. It has an estimated life span of 50 to 60 years, a major step forward in any clone project we've done. Despite these recent developments, the clone appears to be acting off. It can act calm and collected but then suddenly will lash out at the staff. We will try to control this for now, but I fear that it may be a permanent part of her personality.

With endearment and trust,


"That's it? A monthly report? To mom?" Mauve sneered, "I was expecting more. Come on... I know mom, she definitely's hiding something..." Her eyes flashed. A look of fear was on her face.

Mauve whispered, "What day is it?" I remembered that today was a Sunday, because M.D. went out to take care of Josephine, who was still out there causing headlines by flipping out and destroying property. I answered it was the 3rd of February. Her eyes grew wider. "Let me go do something." She flew off, with me trailing after her. I didn't know why, but maybe since she died possessing me, she has to be in range of me or else her bond with the Earth would break. Probably.

She rushed through the lab, still careful to not run into anything. I tried to keep up, but I was out of breath quickly. Mauve disappeared in a blink of an eye up the stairs. I followed her into a simple bedroom. Mauve waved her hands, saying, "Can you do me a favor? Write something for me." She pointed to a simple piece of chalk. 

I wrote out the words that spilled out of her mouth. I folded it neatly and tucked it into my pocket. I bounded down the stairs with her, attempting to hide behind me without phasing through me. The lab door opened and I heard ragged breathing from it.

Mauve phased right through me, sending a shiver down my spine. She yelled, "Happy birthday, Mom!" M.D. was laughing, something I rarely saw. Well now, I saw it more, since I was living with her.

"Well, darling. It is my birthday, so... wanna make some pie?" The energy they shared bounced off of each other, showing sides only those two could bring out in each other. I leaned on the stairwell, taking it in. M.D. saw this and waved for me to join in. "I'll be twenty-eight today." She wiped her forehead. "Today's gonna be a good day," She said as she went into the breakroom of the lab.

A knock on the lab door. I knew it by heart and yelled out, "Jamie!" He was energetic as he described it.

"Did you see it? M.D. just took down an evil clone! She used magic beams and everything!" Same as always, loud and screaming Jamie. I smiled. Felt nice, everything being normal. As normal as it could get.

Mauve looked at him. She wasn't comfortable with the idea of someone else handling that kind of power, I suppose. He saw Mauve and rubbed his neck, not knowing what to say. If I had a nickel for everytime he apologized to her...

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