Chapter 1

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Savanna woke up at the burrow owned by the weasleys. She was friends with the twins that where the same age as her named Fred and George Weasley. They told each other everything or so Fred and George thought. But savanna had secrets a lot of them. She was staying there since her second year at hogwart which they where now in there third year. The start of her third year would be tomorrow and Fred and George's little brother would be starting his first year. She got up wondering what her sister was doing (she stayed to live with there mom).As she started wondering she wondered what happend to harry and if the story's where true or if he was coming to Hogwarts this year. She also wondered how her father has been a long time since she last wrote him.he was in Azkaban but he was innocent and she knew that but Venessa didn't think their father was innocent. She stared out the window wondering.

After a hour or two she walked over to the dresser she put on a pair of blue jeans that she has drawn on with holes in the knees with a cute belt. She got from her mom a shirt that has no sleeves with a flower print. As she walks to the mirror turns on the radio and brushes her wavy hair that go's down to her hipps. She's 5'4 with blonde hair, grey eyes that sometimes look silver when the sun hit them (she has Sirius's eyes), and very tan. When she is done she look at her reflection then at her lipstick that is bright red not noticing Fred at her door.

"You don't need the lipstick" Fred walks forward.

"I know " she laughs and rolls her eyes " how long have you been standing there?"

"Not long mom said it's time for breakfast" Fred smiles

"Ok but first can you hook my necklace for me,please" Savanna smiled


"Thank you"

Then Fred gave her a hugg

"That was for?" questioning Fred's hug

"Your birthday"

"I forgot"

"How can you forget your own birthday?"

"I don't know" Savanna laughed. "Let go have breakfast Fred"she said as she pushed him out her bedroom door.


They ran down the stairs smiling and laughing. They where having breakfast outside. As they walked outside everyone said happy birthday to savanna.

After breakfast they event back inside so savanna can open her presents.

Savanna Black and the God BrotherWhere stories live. Discover now