Chapter 2:

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               "And I will always love you oh oh LOVE YOU!" Joaquin screeched. Alex covered his ears; looking out to the window and his eyes lit up when he saw the mall. "FINALLY WE'RE HERE" He shouted, interrupting Joaquin's singing session.

Joaquin shook his head at Alex and parked the car. Alex immediately opened the door and ran out as he touched the ground. "Thanks the heavens, sweet land." Alex touched the ground; feeling it with his hands.

"Oh come on my singing was not that bad." Joaquin pouted; walking up to Alex, and crossing his arms. Alex looked at him and scoffed. "Joaquin, you sound like a vocally disabled goose." Standing up; he walked up to Joaquin who was still pouting and patted his shoulder. "Don't be such a big baby. Let's get inside, I'm hungry."

Joaquin followed Alex into the mall, grumbling about his singing being amazing. They walked to a nearby cafe to buy food when someone called out them; practically screaming their lungs out. "ALEX, JOAQUIN OH MY TOMATOES IT'S YOU GUYS!" They both turned around to see their friend, Jenny; running to them, her gray hair flowing through the wind. Joaquin opened his arms calling out to her. Alex just waved at her; smiling. Jenny jumped into Joaquin's arms and spun her around; giggling.

"Jenny, what a coincidence. Do you wanna grab breakfast with us?" Alex asked. Jenny  smiled at him and vigorously nodded. 

They walked to the cafe and got themselves food which Joaquin payed after they had kept poking him. Jenny was already talking about the new gossip as they sat down. "Did you know the Rebecca has a son for like three years now and nobody even knew...well not until now, but now that you think of it, maybe that's why she was gone for like eight months." She looked at Alex.

Alex looked back at her and said. "My parents don't like teen pregnancy and so do I, and I'm only fifteen, Jenny plus I'm gay it's not like I want to get anyone pregnant."  He glared at her, but he then noticed that Joaquin who was holding his coffee in mid air, was entranced  from what Jenny had said.

"Something wrong, Joaquin?" Alex worriedly asked; tilting his head. Jenny also looked at him with a suspicious look.

Joaquin snapped out of his trance, looked at them, smiled and shook his head. He drank his coffee while Alex continued to listen to Jenny tell them the daily gossip but Jenny despite her constant yapping was still worried and suspicious about Joaquin.

"Did you know Eddie has a crush on you, Alex?" Jenny said, wiggling his eyebrows at Alex which got flustered, and had gotten the attention. "I-uh ummm he does?" Alex stuttered. Jenny laughed at him but nevertheless nodded.

Joaquin who was still wallowing in his thoughts heard what Jenny said. He look at Jenny; wide-eyed. "If he gets close to Alex, I'm gonna cut his fingers." He threatened.

Alex slapped Joaquin's arm; glaring at him, his eyes warning him.  "I'm gonna cut off, your tongue if you don't shut up about guys not being able to go near me."

"But Alex, I'm only trying to protect your booty." Joaquin frowned; rubbing his arm. Jenny chuckled at him and said. "Joaquin you better back off and give Eddie a chance, and please don't break his arms like the other guy okay?"

"It's not my fault, he was there!" Joaquin answered, slightly shouting.

Alex scoffed at him and slapped his arm. "Joaquin, you dropped a chair on him. He was in the hospital for a month." 

Joaquin finished his coffee and looked at him with an idle look. "So?" He questioned.

"What'd you mean so? Joaquin, he got a restraining order on you. You're not even allowed to go to Alex's school anymore!" Jenny said, with a knowing look that said. "Go ahead. I dare you try and wrong me."

Joaquin glared at her and looked to Alex for help but Alex just raised an eyebrow him; quite smug. He then just pouted and crossed him arms like a child and hmped.

The two then giggled and high-fived each other.

Joaquin looked at them and smiled. "Alright you two win now let's get going, and start shopping!" He stood up and grabbed their hands, and dragged them of to the clothing department.

Alex was already sweating by the time they had gotten there. He looked at Jenny and Joaquin who didn't even sweat a little. "How come you're not sweating? I'm dying here!" He said still catching his breath. They both laughed at him and Joaquin pat Alex's head. "It's not our fault, you're only five feet and two inches." He laughed.

Alex slapped his hands away which made Joaquin takes his back from Alex's head. "I will cut you."

Joaquin and Jenny laughed at him again and nodded at him while he glared at them. "Alright, let's get inside."

"Ugh you know what...I'm gonna be at where pajamas are. Find me when you've found your jacket." Alex already grumpy; stomped off. They both smiled at him but Jenny's smile was wiped off when Alex was out of sight. She grabbed Joaquin's hand and dragged him off to a part where only forty year olds really go, the tea set. Jenny stopped and looked at Joaquin who looked at her like she was crazy.

"You're not telling us something aren't you?" She questioned; as she let go of his hand. Joaquin froze and looked at her. "W-wh-what do you mean?" He stuttered as he looked far off.

"Don't play dumb with me, Joaquin. You're hiding something, what is it?" She asked, getting up close his face. Joaquin sighed and looked at her sadly. Jenny shocked, asked again. "Joaquin, what is it?" Now in a more worried tone.

"Remember what you said about, Rebecca?" He said and Jenny paled.

"No, no, no, Joaquin you didn't."

He looked at her sadly, nodded, and said. "The baby she has?'s mine."


Fabulous Author's Note:

Well that was really lack luster...sad but true. So how are you children? Did you like it? Cause maybe I did? Ah to heck with it.

Leave a comment below and let's see if you do 'kay? Please do. JoJo is desperate

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