Chapter Four: It Is What It Is

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"I don't know what you'd see in her." Oli muttered. My eyes were shut, but I could still tell by his tone of voice that he was frowning.

"You're not supposed to." Jordan murmured absentmindedly.

"She's nothing but trouble." Oli scolded. "And you know it. And what's more, she's only seventeen."

"It's not like I'm gonna have sex with her." Jordan snapped. I cringed a little, but remembered that I was supposed to be 'knocked out' so I regained the sleeping posture. "I'm not that stupid, Oli."

"I never said you were."

They sat in more uncomfortable silence until some loud music forced my eyes to open. I almost sat up, but I noticed that Oli and Jordan didn't see that I was awake. I kept my eyes open a little bit, peeking through my eyelashes. I saw Oli's colorful arm reach over to adjust the volume.

"That's fucking loud. Who was in here last?"

"Nicholls." Jordan chuckled. My heart thudded faster as I remembered what Matt Nicholls did to me. Oliver must have been thinking the same thing.

"What was up with him and Jasey?" He breathed. I only heard him because I was listening for it.

"...I don't know." Jordan responded. I saw his shoulders grow slack. "I didn't know he was that psycho."

"It doesn't make sense." Oliver grumped. He turned the music down a little more and pulled onto a dirt road. "I understand where he's coming from, but killing her? Like that? I've never seen him so angry."

"He's threatened." Jordan sighed. His head swivelled a little to look at me. I closed my red in a hurry an heard him sigh again. "She threatened him."

"I know. But she threatened all of us. But we didn't kill her."

"We're back to the first day we took her." Jordan admitted. "I don't like it. We're like strangers to her."

"Yeah." Oli sounded distracted. "Hey! What does this mean?"

The car slowed down significantly and I watched as Oli made a gesture with his hands that looked like a poor imitation of the words: <shut up cunt>

Jordan snickered. "Who said that to you?"

The speed of the car got faster again. "Jasey."

"Oh." Jordan snickered for a little bit, then he did the gesture to Oli. "This means, <Fuck> this means, <you>, and this means <cunt>. "

"She said WHAT?!" Oli gasped. The car swerved a little bit and I cracked a small smile. "Goddamn. She did it again. What time is she going to get up anyway?" The car stopped and the doors opened. I tried to stay as still as possible. The door closest to my head opened and I heard Jordan's laugh.

His lips pressed to my ear, his breath warm and almost made me shiver. "She's already awake."

His hand closed on my arm and gently pulled me from the car. I wanted to keep him thinking I was knocked out, but he wasn't buying it.

He held me against his chest and leaned in, his nose brushing against mine. His soft lips pressed to mine and in an instant, I shoved him away, forcing me to fall on my butt, groaning in pain.

Oliver and Jordan laughed loudly, their laughs making my blood boil.

"I told you she was awake." Jordan snickered. Oli grabbed my arm as Jordan walked into the small cabin. Oli led me into the small wooden house and winked at me as Jordan pinched my side making me flinch away from him. "I think I'll take Matt's advice now." Jordan told me, his eyes narrowing as he stared me down. "I think it's time that I stop being so nice to you."

A/N: lololololololololol Jordan being a bad boy. Sorry it so short. Wrote it last night out of tiredness. On my ipod. Vote if you like it. Comment in you wanna see something happen in it !! Love ya!!

<7 beanie146

Kidnapped By Bring Me The Horizon (Kind Of, Not Really). *SEQUEL* [✔]Where stories live. Discover now