2 can't remember.....

8 0 0

I walked passed all the students to find the office, clearly I knew I wouldn't find the office on my own so i took the chance and asked someone where the office was. "um excuse me could you point to the office." I said so quietly, that i could barely here myself; but he actually heard me. "Yeah go down that hallway turn right on the first hallway, and left; the first door you see that's the office door." The whole time he was telling me the direction of the office, he looked into my dull hazel eyes watching me with so much intensity. "okay, thanks." I left right away and didn't look back, but i could feel this eyes in the back on my head.

I got to the office finally, when I walked there was no one in the front desk, "Hello!, um i'm Mason, and i'm here for my schedule." after i said that i heard shuffling in the back.  A middle aged women came out from the back of the office. "yes how may i help you." she smiled at me and the bright red lipstick she had on made its way on her teeth. "Yeah um i'm here for my schedule."

"oh yeah right, Mason right?, i heard you were coming back, how have you been since the you know." after she said that i wanted to punch her in the face, i hated when people ask me if I've been okay, i mean i'm here aren't  I. "yeah i'm fine could I just have my schedule, I really need to get to class."

"Oh yes, um give me a minute." she went to the back, and she came back with some paper in her hand. "so since your not knew, I will need you to put your signature your name right here." she pointed at the bottom of the paper, i grabbed the pin from her hand and wrote my name down. "Okay are we done now." I said a little annoyed. "yes we are, here's your schedule."  I grabbed the paper from her and walked to the door, "Oh before you go, all your classes will be in the west building." I looked at her and just nodded, and left, thankful that i was out of there' man she was crazy, crazy happy i must say.

The problem is i don't even know where the west building is, man why couldn't the overly crazy happy women give me the directions. I was looking at my paper schedule, when i hit something hard, i waited for the impact with the ground, but it never happened. I looked down to saw two hands on my waist. The touch of this person was so electric, the spot where their hands were, was warm; finally i was lifted up so my feet touched the ground, after the person let me go, I turned around so fast that i think i got whiplash. 

when i saw him i blushed, it was the same guy that gave me the directions to the office, " Thanks, for um catching me." I said looking down at the ground. "Nah it was no problem, by the way i'm Trevor, and not trying to sound weird or anything, but me and you use to be good friends."

"Oh, okay?" it sounded more like a question. " Well nice to meet you "again" Trevor."

"So do you know where your suppose to be." he was doing it again, looking me in the eyes. "Uh no actually I don't, i'm suppose to be at the west building, where ever that is." when I looked up from the paper that is in my hand I look straight in to his forest green eyes; they sparked so bright, there beautiful I add. I i finally looked way when he told me he will take me there, because he has all his classes in the west building too. I stayed behind him following I may add, I didn't want to get lost, you know. "So, um how have you been, since the accident." uhh not this again, i was so tired of all these people I cant remember asking me if i'm okay. " I'm fine" I said, anger seeping through the words I just spoke. "Look i'm sorry whatever i did i just wanted to know if you were." 

"Okay yeah I know, everyone's been asking me that lately and I hate it."

" I wasn't going to ask that, all I wanted to know if you were have a good time, but apparently your not, sorry just trying to make conversation."

"No i'm sorry, I've shouldn't of lashed out on you."

"Its fine, I understand where your coming from, if i were you I would of done the same thing." I wished I could remember him, I bet we were best friends. he pretty great, I hope we can become friends again.

We walked past the football field, and the building in front of was huge, like a castle huge. "Wow this,this building is huge, bigger then the main building."

"Yeah i know, this is a way different part of the school, this is for all the smart ass kids."

"Really, i get to go here, just because i'm a smart ass kid."

"Yep." he said popping the p "Wow." this more like the castle from Harry Potter, yes I love Harry Potter, every since i got home from the hospital all I did was watch movies, and when I had the chance to watch all the Harry Potter movies, I fell in love, with it, specially the one and only Harry Potter himself. 

We walked passed the doubled doors, and what i saw i mentally fainted. the floors were marble, the ceiling was painted like the ball room in beauty and the beast, it was just magnificent. " Well how do you like it." 

"Its beautiful, I wish i lived here." I said, I was so excited that i was going to be coming here. "Yeah we all wish that, but i heard that they might make rooms for all the people here so they can stay, and wont be late. Trevor took my schedule out of my hand, and looked at it. " Ahh we have the same classes; good know i can take you to every class without me being late. So since we dont start class till 10, i have a lot of time to show you around."

"Hold on, class doesn't start till 10, what, that co, no wait what time does school end."

"Same time the regular school ends."

"Okay know I can celebrate, this is amazing." All I wanted to do was hug him, but i didn't want to feel weird, so i push that thought to the back of my mind. i cant believe it this is amazing. " So are you ready to see this amazing place."

"I was born ready." i said overly excited 

Fading Mason (Sorry for the grammar mistakes)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin