Rich Girl - Chapter 6

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~Justin's POV <3 ~

"What do you mean I'm all over the news? I haven't done anything bizarre lately," I replied to Nick. He was my manager, my agent, my best friend too. 

"Come on, The media just shot a photo of you and it is a front page story! Who is this girl you were kissing, Justin?" Nick asked, curiously.

I didn't  know nor remember what he was talking about, Maybe the paparazzi just got some false evidence or just someone who looks like me, I was nervous. Who was Nick talking about. Suddenly, I remembered, that day me and Miranda went out! Ugh. Now I remember, we went shopping.

"Hm, Justin? Are you there? Sorry if I'm pretty harsh on you but this will affect your career." Nick apologized calmly, snapping me back to reality.

"I remember, Nick, It was my childhood friend, Miranda, she's living with me, I-I- Just please come here so I can explain it to you more clearly, you won't understand." I explained, inviting him over with a curious look on my face. What was he talking about? What about the magazine? 

He pressed end call which meant he was already coming over as he always did it when he came to my house, it's been a habit.

Miranda, meanwhile, came inside the room holding some things girls used for tea parties, she put the tray on her table near her bed and smiled at me.

"Hey, Miranda, my agent's coming, It was something about the paparazzi catching a picture, I'm sorry, really." I sincerely said.

She raised an eyebrow not understanding a word I said, she didn't remember? 

"Okay, I'll just explain when my agent comes here." I sighed, there was no easy way in explaining this. How was I suppose to just say she's not someone special to me when I faked a kiss with her which totally fooled my fans.

After a few minutes, the doorbell rang, I went downstairs and opened the door. As expected, Nick was standing there, looking a bit pissed. I can't help but be nervous.

"Where is she? Bring her down to talk." Nick said, I know what he meant by she, was Miranda.

Immediately I went upstairs to find Miranda in a black above the knee length dress. Well, what can I say? 

"U-Uh, Miranda, we need to talk downstairs." My green eyes made eye contact with her blue sparkling ones.

She slowly nodded and went downstairs, I was behind her so I could see her blonde curls bouncing up and down.

"Okay, Nick, this is Miranda, Miranda, Nick, my agent." I introduced them both, Miranda looked a bit out of place in a moment but smiled politely at Nick.

We both sat down on my couch while Nick was sitting on my armchair.

"Miranda, you're very pretty." Nick complimented Miranda as she blushed slightly.

"Thank you!" She thanked Nick, cheerily.

I looked at Nick for a while and when he snapped back to his thoughts he started to talk.

"Okay, So the reason I'm here is because of this." Nick handed over a magazine, my mouth gaped open to see me and Miranda fake kissing. We were front page, I didn't know it looked this realistic, but it really was. No chance I'm gonna convice the media that she's nothing but a friend. I really didn't know what to do right now.

"Right, I was in much shock as you are right now," Nick looked at me expresionless. "But were you two really kissing? Are you guys like- you know.. . . Together?" He assumed, now smirking.

"No! We aren't, It's not what you think!" We chorused.

Nick chuckled and broke into laughter.

" I was teasing you two, but you two look real cute together." Nick honestly said. Making me blush but I looked away so that it wasn't noticeable.

" I-It was all my fault, I shouldn't have not fake kissed Justin in the street. I should've known the paparazzi was on him." Miranda apologized. It wasn't her fault, It was mine.

"No, It's my fault." I looked into her eyes.

I look at Nick with an amused smile, this is not good. I have a bad feeling about this, Nick always has the craziest ideas.

"What about, you two pretending to be a couple? No way the media is gonna believe she's just a friend anyways." Nick's lightbulb lightened.

What? A couple?

I don't know if Miranda would agree to do this.

I didn't want to force her. 

I don't want to do this too.

"What about you, Miranda? Do you think this is a great idea?" Nick pointed her. I hope it's not this hard. But I don't want to know what happens.

"U-Um, I don't know about it. I'm gonna think about it. I hope it really doesn't affect Justin's career!" She stuttered.

"Okay, then, until tomorrow only, because I was just on my way here and some paparazzi were kinda hiding somewhere not that far. They practically stalked me on my way here. Promise." Nick warned us.

"Keeping that in mind." I smiled at the thought of paparazzi watching us.

 “It’s your only choice, Justin.” Nick added, now with a serious look in his face.

Miranda looked really pale by now. Is she blaming herself again? I don’t really want to see her like this. She’s so much better than that even though she made me clean my room. Correction. Our room. Well, that sounded weird.

“I know, I know, you don’t have to remind me, I’m fine with it. Although I don’t know if Miranda is, Could you just come back tomorrow? She needs to think about it. She’ll be exposed to the public if she does this. She has to think carefully. And I know this is hard for everyone,” I looked at Miranda

“I’m really sorry! This is all my fault and I should take the blame.” I looked down to my shoes.

“Okay then, I’ll be back tomorrow, Justin. It’s a good thing you agree. Now we only need to worry about Miranda.” He raised an eyebrow, well that was even more weird.

I stood up from the couch and opened the door for Nick, I need to be polite, of course.

He smiled and waved goodbye at me. I closed the door and looked at Miranda, but she was nowhere to be found. Oh no, Where is she? Maybe she thinks its her fault. I better go check her.

I went to the bathroom, no one there.

I went to the kitchen, still, no one there.

Lastly, I went to the bedroom, for sure, she was there sitting on her bed. I wanted to comfort her.

“Oh, Justin, it’s only you.. I want to apologize. I didn’t want this to happen.” She apologized.

I went closer to her and sat next to her. I cupped her face with my hands, leaning closer and closer.


Oh no! A cliffhanger! Will Justin kiss her or not?! What would happen?! Wanna guess?

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2011 ⏰

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