Epilogue - "Stay With Me, Neji."

Start from the beginning

Hinata smiled softly. "Welcome back, Neji."

Tenten covered her mouth, eyes wide, not realizing most were watching her reaction. She didn't know what to think or what to say. It had been so long. Too long. And yet she knew he wasn't her Neji.

The thirty-three year old Hyuga smiled softly. "Hinata, Naruto. Everyone... It's good to finally see you again."

He then turned to Tenten, his heart suddenly stopping for a quick moment. His breath hitched in his throat. 'Is that what she'd look like at that age?' he thought.

Tenten was thinking the same thing, unsure of how to react.

Ino smiled softly and said, "We knew that he was still on the other side, and for the longest, Naruto had Shikamaru, Shino, and others working on a portal that could somehow allow one to pass to another. He actually just arrived yesterday. I'm sorry we didn't tell you sooner."

Tenten nodded, unsure of what to say.

Himawari smiled wide. "Is that what Uncle Neji would look like?" Hinata said, "Yes, actually. Would you like to hug him?" Himawari didn't hesitate to give him a big hug.

Bolt asked, "So, that's Neji, but not?" Naruto chuckled and said, "Yep."

Neji wrapped his arms around Himawari gently. "Nice to finally meet my other niece." Himawari giggled and asked, "Is there another like me too?" 

Neji smiled softly. "Yes, although she's a lot less friendly." Bolt shuttered, able to imagine just how unfriendly Himawari was.

Once Himawari let him go, Neji stood straight, glancing at Tenten but unable to meet her eyes. After a moment, he asked, "Would you mind showing me around? I would like to see what's different over here."

Tenten nodded, afraid to speak as she turned. Sakura could see how tense she was and started to wonder if bringing him over was a bad idea. Sasuke gently placed a hand on her shoulder, silently giving her reassurance with a slight smile.

Neji nodded to everyone else quietly before following Tenten, trying his best not to stare below the waistline.

Some things just didn't change.


"Things really have changed here," Neji stated, glancing down at Tenten, who was deathly quiet.

She had shown him around, even shown him her shop, but didn't say much else. She didn't trust herself to. After a minute of thought, Neji spoke again. "Is there anywhere we can go and sit down?" he inquired.

She nodded, waving for him to follow. Parents were just starting to bring their children in when Tenten brought him to a small field near a river. They sat on a bench, both stiff and feeling somewhat awkward.

After another minute or two of quiet, Neji said gently, "They told me... The day I first saw Naruto all grown up; he and Hinata expressed what he did. Only weeks after... I'm sorry."

Tenten swallowed, her throat dry.

He continued, "They told me how you went to therapy for some time, trying to eventually get over the pain. But you couldn't let go. 'She never said goodbye,' Hinata had said."

Tenten nodded a little. "Yes... That is true. It did take me a while, but I was eventually able to move on."

"If that's true, then why won't you look at me?" Neji looked at her, partially in pity, partially in slight irritation.

Her gaze slowly moved to him. "You... You look just like him."

Neji smirked a little, causing her to blush and look away. For Kami sake, she was in her thirties. Then again, Neji always made her lose her train of thought.

Swapped Kunoichi (Completed 2016)Where stories live. Discover now