Wait? He's Gay?

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Dan POV:

It had been 3 days since me and Phil had snuggled up to each other in his bed. I've been wanting to tell him how I feel but same old me I just keep it inside. Phil is straight!

Phil has gone out for a while so I've decided to do something productive. Sit on my laptop all day. Well that's my idea of productive.

About an hour later I heard the front door open. Phil was home! But he wasn't alone. He came into the living room with a man who looked about his age. He had brown hair in the similar style to mine and Phil's, he had blue eyes and was also quite pale.

'Dan this is Tyler. Tyler this is Dan.' Phil announced. I got off the sofa to shake his hand.

'Tyler is my boyfriend' Phil said with a huge smile then looked up at Tyler who was also smiling.

Then they both looked up at me. I felt sick. How could he have been gay this whole time?! I was so angry, and upset and nauseous.

I quickly plastered a fake smile on my face and said 'wow I'm real happy for you guys!'

Phil's smile grew even wider then. He looked up at Tyler who was about an inch taller than him and smiled. Tyler smiled back and pulled Phil into a kiss. Gross. I was going to be sick.

'Excuse me for a minute will you?' I said as I pushed past them to the bathroom. I leaned over the toilet but nothing came out. I wasn't actually sick. I was love sick. I felt tears well up in my eyes but pushed them back. Not here. Not now.

I splashed some cold water on my face and walked out of the bathroom and back into the living room where Phil and Tyler were cuddling on the sofa. I sat back down on my sofa and then my phone went off. Thank god!

'Hey Dan, you busy tonight? Me and Chris were wondering if you and Phil wanted to come over and hang out. Order take out or something? let me know:) ~ Peej'

Yes. A chance to get out of an awkward evening. 'Phil, PJ just texted me asking if we want to go over and hang out with him and Chris?' I said hoping he wouldn't invite Tyler.

'Ummm, sure. Is it okay to bring a guest?' he said obviously referring to his new 'boyfriend'

'Okay I'll ask' I replied cursing in my mind

'Hey Peej, yeah we would like to come over but Phil asked if he could bring someone along? ~Dan'

I texted back hoping and praying he would say no, but of course this is PJ were talking about here he never rejects anyone.

'Sure Dan course he can! lets us know when your on your way:) ~Peej'

Great. Thanks Peej. 'Peej said you can bring Tyler' I said in a dull voice. Phil and Tyler smiled at each other then got up.

'I'm just going to grab a few things then we can go yeah?' I said as Phil was leaning in toward Tyler for another make-out session. 

'umm, yeah sure' He replied then attached his lips to Tyler's. I left the room and went to my room. I grabbed a hoodie, my flat keys and my earphones. 

I walked back into the living room where they had stopped making out and were just talking. I grabbed my phone and shoved it into my pocket then turned to Phil and said 'Ready?'

'Yep, Ready' He replied then interlaced his fingers with Tyler's and opened the door.

I texted PJ telling him we were on our way and should be there soon. This is gonna be torture.

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