<The New 'He'>

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"Not much" said Christine.
"Mark, do you accept yourself as God?" Asked Michael
"I don't think so...I loved to live..not to see how others lived. I am a physicist my daily job is to deny the existence of God, I am not much comfortable with being God." I said

"Listen to me Mark, What do you love?..I said what not whom" Michael asked
"Trying to explain the universe and everything that happens...in short physics." I answered
"Have you ever wondered that what physics does is just explain what is happening around us the best. Physics is a great subject but it only matters if you know everything, there is no everything. There is always space for more. But being God, you can actually control your life..something that is not yet proven on Earth,
You can understand truly what is life...what is universe and Everything, Mark this is your dream come true" he said
"No, it's not fair." I answered with a little bit tension on my face...

"What is it Mark?" Christine asked
"Noth..Nothing Christine.."
"Mark, I have loved you for more than 10 years now...I know when you are holding something back...I know you the best Mark."She said
I thought she knew me well enough but Dave knew me the best..
"Mark...what should you decide is your mind game, we cannot help that but remember Dave chose you for A Reason."

I was a little shocked, but whatever it could be Dave trusted in me, Dave always did believe in me and it was now my time to shine.
"Okay" I said raising my head up.
"What okay?" Asked Christine.
Michael just smiled, he knew what I said okay to...
God" Michael exclaimed happily
"Oh, now I get it" said Christine
"What do I do to bring Dave back?" I asked as it was my biggest concern...I needed that guy to be in my life...alive.

"Aspire, believe and join his soul's in the redemption." Michael explained me.
"Well that might be easy sounding to you but I actually have no idea how to actually do that." I said

"I know master." Michael said.
"Can I call you Mike?" I asked
"Sure" he said
"Mike even if I am God, you are a special friend to me you, you were the first person whom I felt close to...when I thought Christine and Dave were dead, and I am not used to all that respect thing anyway." I said
He smiled and said "Okay Mark."
"So how do I bring Dave back?" I questioned.
"Let's practise" he said.

Alright I thought.
He instantly brought over Dave's body floating in mid air...and said look at it like there was nothing else.
I did and everything else went pitch black....strange I thought to myself
But I could still hear Mike's voice as I knew he was going to guide me
"Raise you hand and spread out your fingers" and so I did
"Close your eyes." I closed them.
I felt the spirit of Dave right in front of me staring at my heart.
"You know what to do" Michael said.
I flew up high and came down at a ravishing speed to pierce Dave's Chest once again and I did
As soon as I put my hands through him the 'V' shape formed in his body
Time slowed down.
Michael said "Open your grace"
I tried and it happened in the first try I guessed it was Dave's soul helping me and now my hands inside his chest began to spread out...forming his blood vessels brain everything
And then I took my hand out
Dave's soul went back in the body before the hole ruptured could close and
Dave had been


The Pawn 2: AcceptanceWhere stories live. Discover now