Chapter 1

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It was a dark and stormy night, thunder was booming and lightning was clashing. Everyone was asleep, all except a peculiar 17 year old girl named Angelica Rose Ganzalas. Angelica has red and black emo style hair and grey/blue eyes. She's wasnt like the other kids her age. Angelica liked to see other people bleed, she liked the sight off blood, and she likes it when people are suffering.
One day when Angelica was walking home from school she decided to take a short cut and go through an ally. She didn't know that there was danger ahead.
As Angelica started walking through the ally she got the feeling that someone was watching her. Just as she was about to turn around someone came up behind her and covered her mouth, muffling her screams. The mystery man threw her to the ground and quickly climbed on top of her.
"Please stop.....p-please." Angelica cried as the man ripped her shirt and bra off. The man started working on her pants when Angelica scratched the mans face and spit in his eye.
"You really shouldn't have done that you little bitch." The man said as he pulled out a pocket knife and stabbed angelica 12 times in the stomach and 3 times in the chest.
The man finished doing what he wanted with Angelica's body and then left her dead naked body to rot.

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