~Anything Can Happen~

Walking into the hospital, I smelled the scent of sanitation and felt the cold air. I walked up to the front desk, got a pass and went up to Ross' room. When I arrived, I saw that he already had his shirt and boxers on, but he didn't have on any pants. I giggled and grabbed his sweat pants off the bed and helped him put them on him. After putting on his pants, I put on his socks and sneakers then put into the yellow wheelchair that was in the room already.

"Hey, baby," Ross says smiling. "Thanks for helping me."

"No problem, Rossy. I love you." I said smiling. I leaned down and gave him a peck on the lips. "Alright, let's go." I wheeled him out to the car and helped him get in. Then, I put the wheelchair in the trunk and got into the car.

"Laura, how were you able to get me in the car considering that I'm taller than you and weigh more than you? Plus, you have a cast on. How did you get it?"

"Well, first of all, I had to help some individuals in my family, since they got sick and couldn't walk or were like you, paralyzed. The other thing, I was trying to skateboard, and I fell off." I look away from him and start humming while starting the car.

"That's not true. You're lying." He declares. Damn it! He knows me too well.

"No, I'm not." I testify.

"Oh really, you always look away and start humming when you're lying. Laura, I know you."

"Fine," I sigh. "You got me. I don't think I should tell you." I look down only to have an index finger forcefully lift my head up.

"Laura, you could tell me anything. Trust me."

"Fine. You might get mad but, you should know."

"You didn't cheat on me, did you?" He asked worriedly.

"No! I didn't." I accidentally yell. Then, awkwardly laugh. "No, it's just that. Luke was the one that shot you and apparently, he knew Rebecca from high school, and she talked to him, and he told her that he was sorry. I don't trust him. The cast was from a fight that Luke and I got into last night. He twisted my arm in the wrong direction, and I knocked him cold." During my explanation, Ross clenched his fist making it look white then he chuckled when I told him that I knocked him out.

"That's my girl," He says smiling and raises his hand up for a high-five which I give to him. "We both have knocked him out. Aren't we violent." He chuckles. I laugh while nodding and put on my seatbelt with him doing the same.

"Oh, I almost forgot. He was gonna sleep in your room and use your clothes to wear, and I got mad." Ross shook his head and smiled.


Two weeks later

So, it's been two weeks, and we still can't find the Lynch family.  Oh, by the way, I got my cast off. Vanessa, Drew, and Elijah came over to visit us today. Elijah is just way too cute. I'm currently cradling him while Ross sits next to me with him arm around me. He has just started therapy to get the feeling back in his legs. So far, Ross has a ton of improvement. He says that he's starting to feel a tingling in his legs, which is good. Lately, I haven't been feeling like myself. I've been eating more than usual and have always felt sick to certain smells that I love. I think it's my time of the month. I should be getting it today. Well, we'll see. Elijah is such a calm baby. He's also really chubby and is always happy. If Elijah cries, it's for the simplest reason. Either he's hungry, or he needs a diaper change. There was suddenly a knock on the door. I got up holding a happy Elijah up to my chest while Vanessa and Drew speak with Ross and Rebecca. I opened the front door and saw no one at the door, but there is a small white piece of paper. It's quite evident that the sheet didn't knock on the door. I read the little sheet and silently squealed. I made my way to the living room rather quickly.

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