Chapter 1

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Stein's POV

I don't know what it was about that...girl I met yesterday. She seemed so...interesting..and mysterious...I sighed taking a puff of my cigarette and leaning back in my computer chair. I looked over what I had wrote about today's dissection.

Putting my cigarette out I stood. "Why is she so interesting?" I thought. I looked at the clock behind the light of my glasses. "11:45 huh?" I asked and walked into my room. I got changed into long black pajama pants and a white tank top. I sighed putting my coat on the back of my door and flopping in bed. "Let's see what she is as a weapon shall we?" I asked the ceiling fallin asleep.

-Next Morning-

I got up at my normal time and walked to the school. I saw (y/n) at the base of the stairs. She looked as if something happened last night. I stopped and watched. She started to go up the rail only for her to lose her balance and roll off. She stood up after sitting on the ground for a bit. I walked over to her and she looked at my shoes and sighed. "Hey Dr.Stein." she said and I offered a hand.

"No i'm fine." she said and I sighed grabbing her hand. She was extremely cold for someone who always wore black. "Are you alright?" I asked and she brushed herself off. "yea , peachy." she said and I looked at the DWMA. "We better get up there and start training." I said and she nodded. "Go on ahead...I'll catch up." she said and I looked at her. "Alright be there in half and hour." I said thinking she only wanted her space.

I walked up the stairs pulling out my carton of cigarettes. I pulled one and lit it with my stitched lighter. I puffed on it and turned around to see if (y/n) was following me or not. She was standing there looking down. I sighed and jumped to the base. It was only a few steps but to be safe I did a roll. "(y/n) what are you doing?" I asked and she sighed. "I got hurt last night." she said and I looked at her. She lifted her pant leg and shown me her pale ankle.

It was swollen and bruised. "Explains why you're standing down here..." I said and she nodded. I sat her on the rail and gently lifted it to see it better. She growled at me while I turned it.

"It looks like you sprained it." i said and held out a hand. "Weapon form." I said and she nodded. She turned into a black and white scythe. She had a design similar to Spirit's. I spun her around and sighed. "Well let's get you to the infirmary." I said and walked up the stairs.

As we were walking it was silent. "I ve to ask her what happened." I thought and looked at her blade. It was beautiful and sharp. I held her up and looked at her. She was looking down her (h/c) covering her eyes. "(y/n).." I said and she lifted her head a bit. "Hmm?" she asked and I looked at the steps trying not to trip. "What happened to your ankle?" I asked and she looked down. "(y/n),,," i said and she looked at me. I finally got to see her eyes.

They were a vibrant (e/c). I smiled slightly and looked away. "I tripped alright." she said and I looked at her. "Your injuries don't match that accusation." I said and she looked down. "Fine." she said and I looked at her. "Hmm?" I asked and she sighed. "I was thrown." she said and I looked at her. "YOU WERE WHAT?!" I said and she shivered a little. "I'm sorry..I didn't mean to scare you." I said and she nodded. "It's alright." she said.

"Will you tell me who did it?" I asked and she shook her head, "why not?" I asked and she sighed. "Stein I told you." she said and I sighed. "Fine but you will tell me sooner or later." I said and we reached the top of the stairs. She went back to normal and fell. I caught her and sighed. "Come on." I said and picked her up bridal style. I carried her into the nursery and put her on the bed.

I walked over to the table and got an IV needle. I turned and she sat up a bit. I put the needle into her arm and she relaxed. "Has the pain gone away?" I asked and she nodded. "Alright." I said and held her foot. I took off her black and white converse and looked at her ankle. "How far were you thrown?" I asked and she sighed falling on the pilow. I rose a brow and looked at her from the corner of my eye my cigarette hanging from my mouth. "A few feet." she said and I looked at her. "(y/n) it looks like you were thrown down stairs..." I said and she looked at me and held her head playing with her hands.

I walked over and put my hands on hers. "I can't help if i don't know what happened." I said and she looked at me. "Maybe I don't want you to." she hissed and I stood back surprised. "She has a temper...interesting.," I thought and sighed. "fine at least let me help your ankle." I said and she nodded.

I put a brace on it and gave her crutches. I gave her a strong pain medication and she left the infirmary. I sighed and sat in a chair. "Why does she not want help?" I thought and puffed on a cigarette once again. "Maybe she doesn't like I don't like people." I said and sighed. "Or maybe she just doesn't want any." I said.

"No...there has to be something I'm missing." I said and stood. Well I better get to class. I walked down the hall and went to class. I found (y/n) at her usual spot and saw BlackStar going over to her. "BlackStar detention." I said and he sat back down. (y/n) stood. "Oh shit." I thought and sat in my chair. "FOR THE LAST TIME I DON'T NEED YOUR HELP." she said and marched down the stairs without her crutches. I turned my screw and sighed. "Today you are going to have Spirit teach you." I said and walked out of class. 

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