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Alysha's POV

We had to go out for a meeting about us going to Australia, because lets just say last time, we misbehaved. With Zayn and Louis getting lost in Sydney and then Liam getting a little angry in a club. It was very eventful.

I have gotten over my confusion from this morning, and have moved on. I must have had a dream about me being someone else and it made me confused in the morning. I'm trying not to over think that possibility too much. The lads and I were in a van driving to the meeting in the heart of New York. We had just arrived from the VMA's. Brooklyn was amazing but it was time for us to move on. I look at my phone and my twitter was going wild. I didn't even tweet anything...

I look at the tweets and see some of them were pretty graphic... I find one that was telling me what they wanted to do with my Jr and I replied.

"@ItsMissyRandom oh"

I laugh at the replies I got from her that said things like she didn't even think I would notice her and that was the first time she has ever sent a tweet like that. I laughed and I showed Louis. He laughed at it and said, "You never usually reply to those types of tweets." I don't?

Now that I think about it I don't remember the last time I did a follow spree either. I shrug and reply with a simple, "I don't?" The others were all looking at me now as if to find something different about me. To avoid the awkward stares I look down at my phone and start following people. I smile as my timeline started filling up with random letters. I decided to tweet. 

I love when I follow or tweet you guys. All I get back is random letters! #soidfghsgsog

I follow about fifty more people then we arrive to the building we are holding the meeting. I lock my phone and see the boys still staring at me. 

"What?" I ask a little on the ruder side. Liam raises his eyebrows and Niall says to me,

"You never follow fans. At all!" I frown and look at my follow number. They were less than 1.5k. They were right.

"Guys time to get out of the car!" Paul instructs and we file out of the van. I walk through the front doors behind my security guards, and see the receptionist rushing up to us. 

"Mr Styles! Would you like anything to eat or drink?" I smile at her politely.

"No thank you." She nods and goes through the rest of the boys' requests and I end up in an elevator. The head of security who's name has slipped my mind, pushed the button and the doors slowly shut. 

"What is this meeting about anyway?" Niall asked the guy to his right. He chuckled and looked at me and Zayn

"Ask them two" Me? What did I do? I raise my eyebrows in questioning and the security guy laughs.

"Don't you mean Louis, who I remember got lost in the city with Zayn?" I joke and Louis hits me on the back of the head. I turn around and see Louis grinning at me. 

"Lets not bring that up mate. You got drunk off your ass and tried to have sex with Zayn!" I don't remember that... Oh right I wouldn't.

I shake my head and reply shrugging my shoulders

"I'm a lovable drunk." 

I think the whole elevator was listening in now. Zayn starts laughing and shakes his head. 

"Too much love Haz, too much love" I laugh with him, when the door open onto the 13th floor. We walk out and on the first door to the right we entered the room and saw Simon and other people who I have no idea who they are. We all took turns shaking hands with them all, then sat down in our allocated seats. 

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