OMG TODAY (this stays on wattpad)

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So I cant describe this that good... BUT TODAY WAS PRETTY GOOD COMPARED TO LIFE LATELY....

So I used to like Brittney but its so obvious that she was a cheater, like I didn't see it coming but I really should've. Oh well I'm done with that shit. Today I was in 1st period for what 3 hours maybe? I have this really close friend that well, I don't really knowif she likes me or something but I like her. A LOT. Well what happened was we watched Netflix on her phone. NETFLIX MAKES IT SOUND EVEN BETTER. But anyways she likes to lean on me a bunch. I'm ok with it, I like making people happy. She's just so adorable when she does this stuff. I had my legs open (wow gawd sounds bad) but she sat between my legs and leaned on me and that's the position we watched Netflix in (lol oh my gawd) BUTTTTT it is keeping me out of depression AND I'm happy. A feeling I haven't had in a while. But then Ms.Box (band director) said "Can we not lounge on each other like that?" THE ONLY THING THAT WENT THROUGH MY MIND AS CHRISTA MOVED (I just realized that's the first time I mentioned her name lol) WAS "I DONT KNOW CAN WE?" But I don't know anymore. Afterwards we kept watching Netflix but just side by side. THEN Ms. Box tells us to put up our phones and we start watching a movie. Then we have to clean out lockers and stuff so I basically shove everything in my backpack and this includes my enormous af jacket which she later uses as a blanket. So when come back in I throw my backpack against the wall and use it as a pillow. Well I'm trying to go sleep because I haven't had any sleep. Well Christa on the other hand starts watching YouTube with Yasmin. All my thoughts turn into oh yeah she likes Yasmin whatever I forgot  (:P) I gave up and continued to try and drift off but I COULDNT QUIT OPENING MY EYES. I just want sleep... but I'm glad that I did the one time because Christa gave her phone to Yasmin and leans over on me and puts her head on my chest. Well I was really in this uncomfortable position so pulled my arm out from between us and put my arm around her. We keep watching the movie and after a while I leaned back on her. (I swear I think at some point I kissed the top of her head like I don't know because well I was too tired and if I did it was because I was so tired I started acting stupid... fuck) She fell asleep and started sliding down, well I never could go to sleep. I held her so she didn't hit her head or something. THIS IS THE FIRST TIME IVE DONE SOMETHING LIKE THIS. And the feeling was...just so... different. Then Ms. Box woke us up saying we needed to take our books to turn in for the end of the year shit. So we do that and come back and I lay back down on my backpack, and Christa got back on me but she was lower so I couldn't really lean back. Oh well it is what it is.

Later that same day in 7th period I ask my teacher if I could lay down in the floor. LOL. She said yes which is pretty awesome. What I actually did was grab paper and pencil and went to the back room to write Christa a note. I told her how I really felt. She had checked out though. She forgot her year book in Ms. Box's room so I put it inside of it. 

When I got home I texted her and told her that I left her note in her year book... she asked me where her year book was so I simply told her. Everything's going great. I hate it. I just know something is probably going to go wrong (aka my life and luck.) I'm just glad I have these people in my life that make me this happy. I cherish everyone that I hang out with tbh. Our texts ended with "Night love you" The better part was she said love you... first... not me... (thought process rn: bjhfbgvasiehrfboiusehf ) I wantto know what her reaction is to the note tho.

I'm going to try to sleep on what's happened today. 


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