Chapter 1⃣

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" Hey mom I'm going out ok " I state as I pull on my black hightops " alright sweetie remember to work on your math ! " I huff " I know mom ! " I tuck my tail in to my blue jeans and fix my grey sweater ... I check my self out in the mirror then straighten my black beanie ... " Ok I have my cell so if ya need something text me ! " I shout before I slam the door and start my walk to town ...

Um hi I'm Peter Cross twin of Samuel Cross son of Daniel and Keith Cross I'm 17 and a feline shifter like my mom ... I no longer go to public school due to a reason I wish not to talk about thanks ... my brother is deaf so I know sing language so yep ...

Half way in town I smelt something so amazing it had me drooling ... I followed the sweet sent to a café that looks new .. I walk it making the bell ring ..... It's very open ... very home like ... I went up to the counter and looked up at the chock board menu ....just as I figured out what I wanted a set of twins walk up and spoke " Welcome to " " The librarians Café " and together they said " may we take your order ?" I look them in the eyes then blush focusing on the counter as I spoke " uh yea .. can I h have a large milk hot chocolate with the p peppermint creamer ? " They nod smiling " that will be " " 4.25" I dig thru my back pack and pull out a five when they give me my change I thought I was gonna die ... " You go sit and read " " We will serve you your hot drink " I nod my face a inferno ... I sit at a corner table then pull out my math .... I start to work on it but half way thru the sexy twins place my drink in front of me " here you go " " Please enjoy " I nod ... one twin walks back to the counter while the other sits infront of me " what is your name ? " I rub the back of my neck as I breath out ..." Peter ... Peter Cross .. " He smiles resting his chin on hi palm " well Peter ... it's nice to finally meet our mate " at this point I start to freak ... my chest hurts ... like when you miss a step ... but this feeling is not going away " my name is Arron Crown my brothers name is Asher Crown .. " I nod a bit trying to get more air in to my lung's .... he then grabs hold of my hand .... to far ... I jump up and run out and straight in to the woods ....

I open my link to mom as I slow down ' mom ! momma !! ' With in a second he responds ' what's wrong sweetie ?! ' I sit and breath ' I .. I think I found my mate mom ' I could feel his protectiveness thru the link as he responds ' really ? Tell me more please ' I run my fingers thru my hair ' first of all ... why is it that even tho me and Sam are twins we don't share a mate ?' ' It's because you are a feline ... like me ... also tho there are twins in are families nun share mates nor will they because of there dads ... alpha gene and some other confusing shit ... Why ?' I laugh at my mom ' um well .. I have two mates ... there twin brothers ... and they own the new café in town .. I kinda freaked ,.. and ran ... ' I heard my moms savannah purring trying to calm me ' thank you mom .. could you tell dad ? I am gonna sit in the woods for a while ' I get no reply just purring so I know it's ok ...

I take my beanie off and wiggle my ears around ... I close my eyes and breath ... until I smell something amazing ... I open my eyes to see a blonde wolf standing in front of me wagging his tail I breath in calming my self " Is this Arron ? " I ask the wolf lowers it's head " alright so this is Asher then " he jumps a bit like a pup and sits by me he starts to nuzzle his nose in to my neck but stops noticing how uncomfortable it makes me he whimpers a bit ... so I rub his cheek which seems to please him .... soon he lays his head on my lap ... " Uh .. I I need to get home ... I have school work .. " He looks up ears pointed straight up he runs off .. I sigh and get up pulling my beanie on

As I start walking away two voices shout " stop ! " I jump a bit turning around to see both twins running to me they stop and the one in the button up looks sad " I'm sorry I scared you Peter ... " Asher smiles at me " please can we walk you home ? " I shrug a bit " uh what about the cafe ? " Arron smiles " a friend is running it while we are out .. besides it's slow ." I look down and rub my neck " uh .. I guess .. you two can walk me home then " they grin it's so cute ... I pull on my back pack and they hold out there hands ... ' I can trust them ,. there my mates ' I grab there hands ... there warm .. I smile a bit as we walk ... " So how old are you ? " Arron asks I look up at him a bit "I'm seventeen .. how old are you two ? " They smile " we just turned 21 " I nod " so tell us about your family " Asher says " uh well my dads a alpha .. So is my grandpa .. on both sides .. uh my twin is deaf .. and he's going to be alpha ... we have two sisters that are twins as well Sarah and Lacey .. then a set of triplets two girls and a boy Rebecca rosemary and Ross .. and two more on the way ... I have one cousin so far and ..." I stop to think how many aunts and uncles I have ... " I have three uncles and three aunts " they nod " who is your dad ? " I smile " Keith cross " there eyes widen " oh shit .." " We heard he's terrifying " I laugh " oh really ? sure .. if you call a man who talks like a baby when he gets in trouble terrifying " they chuckle which makes my face heat up .. holy shit no my whole body is hot .. what the hell ?!! " Uh there's my house " I start to speed walk until I see my dads car ..... shit ' that means my siblings are home ' " Uh .. w well I guess you both are going to meet my family .. today " they smile nodding I get to the door and open it before I could yell I'm home my seven year old brother Ross runs in to my arms he has glitter glue in his hair and he is crying " Rebecca and rosemary keep tugging on the glue !! Peter help !! " I sigh " how did you get glitter glue in your hair ?" he pouts " I was making a card for mom and one of the older boys was laughing at it because I used pink glitter ... he said I was a gay wuss and I needed to look like one and he put it in my hair " I growl as I rub his face " it's alright Ross ... go ask Lacey to get it out ok ? " He nods then runs off " poor guy " both of my mates say

I lead them to the kitchen and just as we walk in my dad is glaring at them as my mom waddles to me " there's my baby ! " He hugs me and kisses my head " and who are they'd fine gentlemen ? " I smile " mom dad this is Arron and Asher crown ... my mates " mom smiles nodding " you two are staying for dinner " they nod then he says " he didn't tell you his momma was a guy did he ? " Arron smiles " no he did not but congratulations " Asher nods " a big family is amazing yours is beautiful " and with that said mom starts crying " Keith I love them ! there so sweet !! " Mom gushes I sigh smiling then Sam walks in he raises a brow and I sign

P- there my mates

Sam growls and signs

S- I don't like them

I walk over to Sam and thump him upside the head then sign

P- there nice ! there really sweet !

Sam rolls his eyes

S- there only acting nice cause they want to have sex with you

I've had it I punched Sam in the face causing him to stumble back

" Sweetie dont cry " mom says as my mates rush to my side ... I'm crying ? I didn't realize it until now .... " Um Arron, Asher please take him to his room .. I will send one of the other kids up with food " Asher nods as Arron picks my up bridal style and carries me upstairs ... once they get me to my room they lay me down and rest them selves on either side of me ...

More coming soon my little noodles !!

I'm back !

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