Chapter 1

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I'm only gonna say this once: while this is not necessarily mature content, it has a lot of swearing. You have been warned.
Now, please enjoy the story!


"Stop it, young lady!" the mother scolded her daughter.

They were in her room, the maids dressing the Princess with the tight, green dress that the Queen had bought specially for that day.

"It's too fucking tight!" (Y/N) shouted, irritation visible all over her face. Her mother gasped at the choice of words her daughter made.

"I expect you to not speak this way when the Prince arrives." she said with authority in her voice.

"What's the big deal anyway? You never take me to meet the guests." the young princess said frowning at one of the maids who tightened the dress even more.

The Queen smiled, and placed a hand on her daughter's cheek.

"You are going to meet your husband, my dear child." she said smiling even more.

"I'm gonna what now?" (Y/N) shouted. "When did I even approve of this?! You can't just marry me to a random guy!" she protested.

"He's not a random guy. He's a gentleman. A handsome man, who wants you to be his wife." The mother argued. "And you will marry him." Saying that, she left the room.

(Y/N) couldn't believe this. No, she had to do something. She wasn't going to marry some random asshole. 'Guess it's finally time to say goodbye to this shity castle. Forever.'

She had the perfect plan. She heard rumors from some people at the tavern the other night. The Whitebeard pirates are going to port here soon. If that's the case, she was gonna leave with them.

But for the time being, she was stuck in this super tight dress.


It was finally evening, and (Y/N)'s prince charming had docked, and was heading to the palace.

Her dress was as tight as possible, her jewelers were the most expensive in the whole castle, her hair was perfect, and the make-up was like a mask. She looked like a doll, and she hated it.

The giant doors opened to reveal a slightly short man, dirty blond hair, brown eyes. He was walking like he had something up his ass.

(Y/N) couldn't help the giggles and earned a frown from her mother and father.

She looked at him again. It wasn't like he was ugly. But he sure as all hell wasn't handsome. She had met handsome men. A lot of handsome men. And he wasn't one.

"Good evening, my Queen, my King." he bowed respectfully. Then he looked at (Y/N). "My beautiful wife."

She frowned and opend her mouth to say something, but her mother spoke before, noticing her displeased look.

"I'm very sorry, prince Cedric, but I'm afraid my little angel lost her voice. The doctor recommended not letting her speak for a few days." she said smiling, and keeping a storng hold on the girl's shoulders, as to say 'You better not mess this up!' She could even hear her voice say that.

(Y/N) just forced a smile and bowed. She just had to fake it for a while. And after that, she would run away, and never look back.

"Shall we go have dinner now?" her father spoke.

"We shall." Cedric said.


'Finally some peace and quiet!' (Y/N) thought as she entered her room. It was night and everyone went to their own rooms to get a good night's rest.

But not (Y/N). Oh, no. She had a long night ahead.

As soon as the maids left her alone after helping her out of her dress and washing her, she got out of bed and searched under it.

She pulled out a backpack. Some useful things were in there. Like some clothes, two books, money. Necessities.

She changed from her night gown into a pair of black pants, with a white shirt and a brown, sleeveless jacket. She put on her black boots and took her backpack.

She walked to the closet and pressed a botton on the floor. It opend gently. (Y/N) lifted the trap and grabbed the sword inside. She strapped it to her belt and walked to the window.

"This is finally it. This time I'm not coming back..." she whispered as she looked around her room. "Goodbye."

She smiled and jumped out the window.

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