Chapter 10: Epilogue

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Two days later after the case, all the missing mammals were saved. Dr. Hornscoff cured them with an antidote, and everything was back to normal. Sapphire and Martin were awarded by Mayor Lionheart with medals for their bravery and beyond the call of duty. A picture of them was hung on her wall, and Sapphire smiled at it while standing. Suddenly, a knock at the door was made. She turned around to see Chief Bogo standing by the doorway. 

"Chief Bogo...."

"I just wanted to check up on how you're settling with your new workplace."

"It's great. I can't believe you're giving this to me," she looked around, from her desk to the glass plaque on the door, with her name on it.

"This was your parent's office. They would have wanted you to have it." Sapphire softly smiled. Then without warning, she gave him a hug, catching him off guard. Flustered at first, the chief slowly returned it with pride, while Sapphire kept smiling. The buffalo then cleared his throat, slowly backing up to see her.

"Well...yes, um....I'm glad you like it. Anyway, since you've already unpacked your stuff, you should leave for the day and relax a bit."

"Are you sure? I could stay a while."

"That won't be necessary. You deserve it so...go on before I change my mind. I believe you have somewhere to be?" Sapphire chuckled and nodded her head. She left soon after and was now heading towards the restroom. Down in the lobby, Martin and his friends were having a conversation. Martin was wearing a short-sleeve collar shirt with blue jeans.

"So how does it feel to be a hero, Martin?" Randal grinned at his friend.

"I was just doing my duty," Martin implied.

"You're too modest," Fangmeyer smirked.

"So, are you heading out early for today?" Daniel asked.

"Yeah. The chief gave me the rest of the day off after we solved that case. Besides, I promised Sapphire I would take her to the train station for those fruit smoothies."

"So its a date." Nick smirked while looking at his phone. Everyone looked at Nick, and then looked at Martin in curiosity.

"It's not a date," he shot a glare at him, "We're just celebrating our promotion."

"Promotion?" Judy tilted her head.

"For what?" Fnagmeyer asked.

"I'm here, Martin!" Everyone turned to the left. They all had their mouths open, mostly the males. Standing there was Sapphire, giving her brightest smile. She had her hair down, and wore a white short-sleeve cold shoulder top, with jean shorts and ankle boots. She walked towards them casually and waved.

"You look amazing Sapphire," Judy smiled.

"Really? I didn't know what to wear, so...."

"It looks good on you," Daniel complimented her as she blushed, feeling embarrassed.

"Sorry I was late," she looked at Martin, but it seems that he was spacing out in front of her. Sapphire titled her head, confused.

"Um...Martin...?" Just then, both Randal and Fangmeyer snapped their fingers, bringing the tiger back to reality. Martin blinked a few times and then looked at Sapphire.

"O-oh, sorry....yeah, I'm ready. You look great by the way." He sheepishly smiled as Sapphire did the same, still blushing though.

"Hey Sapphire, so what's this promotion Martin is talking about?" Clawhauser asked.

"Oh, that? Well, you see...." she smiled at Martin, "since we work so well together, the chief decided for us to become partners."

"Wow, that's great! Congratulations!" Judy and Clawhauser exclaimed in excitement.

"So you're partners now....that is something to celebrate," Randal implied.

"Should we go now?" Martin looked at her.

"Sure. Bye guys," Sapphire followed Martin as they walked toward the front doors. Everyone watched them leave the station.

"Man, that was unexpected," Fangmeyer grinned.

"I'm happy for Sapphire. She's finally getting used to living here in Zootopia."

"I agree Carrots," Nick smiled at his girlfriend, "so I'm guessing that wasn't a date at all?"

"Really Nick..." she smirked at him.

Outside, Martin and Sapphire were already at the train station, standing while sipping their smoothies.

"Mmm~ this is really good," Sapphire sighed happily. She was drinking a strawberry/banana smoothie while Martin had a strawberry/kiwi smoothie.

"I'm glad you like it," Martin smiled. He then looked down at her arm, and saw part of the scar behind the opening of her shirt that remained. He frowned a little at remembering the incident, which Sapphire noticed a few seconds later.

"I know that look," she said, "you don't have to worry."

"Yeah, but it was my fault I left you alone in the cave. You wouldn't have that if I didn't leave your side." Sapphire sighed, but smiled nonetheless.

"In any case, you did save me...but, if you're feeling guilty, then don't be....cause you can back me up from now on..." she put her shake in front of him, " partners..." Martin blinked. He then smiled and raised his drink.

"Sounds good to me...partner," he clanked his cup with hers, giving a small toast. They were having a relaxing afternoon so far, until they heard someone scream across their way.

"Help! He stole my purse!" A female deer pointed at a cougar with her purse while he swiftly ran past the crowd. Martin looked at Sapphire.

"You still have your badge?" He pulled out his from the shirt pocket.

"Never leave without it," she showed her badge clipped onto her shorts.

"Do you need a lift?" Since they took the bus, he thought he could carry her on his back.

"I'm good," she clipped her badge on the left side of her shirt. She then put two fingers on and tapped it. Within seconds, out came wheels on her shoes, making it look like in-line skates.

"When did you do that?" Martin gave an amusing look as Sapphire grinned.

"Professor Trunks is an amazing inventor, so you get the idea. Alright! Let's head out partner!" Sapphire swiftly skated down the path as Martin followed. Soon they were tracking down the thief, and in no-time flat they caught up to him.

"ZPD!" They shouted, and the rest know.

That's it!! If you read the whole thing, thank you for your support. 

But hold on, their adventures are still on the my new story {Zootopia: The Series File}

If you're interested, check it out. I'll see you guys real soon....

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