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After the big race, Luke gave Clara the credits he won.

Clara, who was very proud, and seemed as if she never stopped beaming.

Luke was proud of himself, and felt as if he accomplished something for once.

Luke had asked Clara when she was thinking of paying Dom, and she said the next day. Simple enough. Though it seemed her mind was set on something entirely different.

Luke didn't know if Clara was happy because he had won, or if she was just glad to get Dom off her back about the credits.

Clara was actually for both things, and about the fact that she was successful in training Luke.

I'm actually a good trainer! This is something new!

Luke might've not known it, but success was important to Clara, and now he was important to her too.
The next day, Clara and Luke were headed to the Cantina. Clara had decided to go on and pay the man-boy-already.

It's just a come and go...

She would pay him, maybe get a drink, leave, and go on with her life. No need to do anything else besides the objective.

Clara looked around the Cantina, searching for Dom. Then at the left corner booth, she spotting him. Clara nudged Luke and walked over to Dom, he hadn't noticed her yet. Luke tagged along, knowing trouble was following them.

When they sat down, Luke sat next to Dom, keeping an eye on the entrance for trouble, while Clara in front of him. If Luke saw any authorities, he would give Clara the signal-a clear of his throat-and Clara would casually close the conversation and they would move out.

Dom laid his eyes on Clara,"So he won the race. I didn't think he'd survive, so where my credits?"

Clara glanced at Luke, back at Dom, and laid a sack of credits on the middle of the table.

Dom reached for the bag. Clara's hand got there first. She laid her eyes on him and kept a straight face,"Luke's a great racer, I'm not surprised. Now, I held my part of the bargain, what about you?" She asked flatly.

Dom looked away, which meant Clara triggered something.

"Now you're just being irrational, don't let that curiosity of yours get you into trouble,"Dom said, smirking. He then laughed airily.

Clara didn't buy it, she gave him a stern look.

Luke didn't know everything, but he was sure that Clara felt angry, but she controlled it. Clara was also being impatient...

"I asked a question, you didn't answer it,"Clara said.

Clara grew more dangerously impatient, her hand was on her holster. She knew what Dom was doing-stalling-and she didn't like it one bit.

Luke, on the other hand, was trying to look casual, but he knew a shootout would start any minute.

Instead, security police stepped in and immediately headed toward their table, Before Luke could do anything.

"Clara Anssky? You're coming with us,"one of them said, emotionless.

Clara didn't seem fully convinced,"Why hello officers. What's this 'bout needing little 'o me?"

Apparently, they didn't seem convinced either.

Clara tried looking guileless as a calf, but they didn't take the bait.

"Clara Anssky, wanted for smuggling, murder, outstanding debts, counterfeiting, evading arrest, and theft,"the tallest one said. There was three of them.

Everyone looked as if the air was taken away from them, except-of course-Clara herself. She winced at every word he said.

Before anyone could say anything more, Clara vaulted over the table. She made a run for it, and headed to the exit.

Before she could run out of the cantina, one of the officers grabbed her from behind.

Clara struggled and tried to break free, but compared to the officer, she was rather weak.

"You planned this didn't you?! You knew I was on the run, and you called the police anyway!" Clara yelled angrily at Dom.

Luke was shocked for what happened. He knew Clara had done things, but not that bad that she had to get arrested.

Then again, he hadn't known her very long.

He knew he should've done something, but he couldn't do anything really, as far as he knew.

The officers had already left, Clara with them.

Luke stepped out of the Cantina, he could at least find out where they had taken her. Either a Tatooine jail, or Imperial Prison. Clara had her com with her, which had a tracker on it.
Luke could track Clara to where she was take to.

He quickly jumped onto his speeder and headed home.

While he headed back, Luke didn't know what he would tell Clara's aunt and uncle if this took long. He knew they would ban her from any freedom she had left, so he decided not to say anything after all.

He didn't know how long Clara was going to be kept. He hoped it wasn't very long, but he was determined to be the one who gets her out of the mess.

Honestly, Clara would've gotten caught a longtime ago, if it weren't for Luke. She tried her best to keep him out of her troubled to keep him away from her ways. So far, it seemed that failed.

One thing that didn't fail though, was Luke keeping Clara away from trouble. Of course, not all the time, but away from bigger trouble.

Though Luke really wasn't used to it, he was going to play the trouble maker this time, to bust his best friend from anywhere she was taken.

Hiya there!

Sorry this took a while, turned out I didn't have any connection earlier.

Sorry this chapters a bit shorter than the others, I did some cuts from my old draft. Though I hope this is good anyway!

So, thank for waiting, and sorry for keeping you waiting.

I appreciate everything you do! From views, comments, and votes!

Stay amazing~


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