Chapter 2

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"The doctors are still doing some tests, the results haven't come yet, i'm sorry," a female's voice said.

"No, it's fine," mother says and tries to smile, but she can't. Dad puts his hand on her shoulder and sighs. "Do you know if there's going to be anymore tests on her?"

"Until they find the results, I don't know," the nurse said. "I'm sorry." She walks out and dad gently pecks the top of mother's head with her blonde hair pulled back in a pony tail. My eyes were sore and blurry, and trying to talk was hard and sounded scratchy. I was too weak to move my legs and the sight of the needle in my wrist scared me. I banged my hand on the table next to me and shook my head in fear, trying to get my parents attention.

Dad turns his head and smiles at me and walks over to my side. Mom follows his lead and looks into my eyes, trying not to cry. 

"I'm sorry sweetie, the doctors don't know whats wrong yet," Dad sighs and takes my hand in his. I try to smile, but it hurt my head so much to move anything on my face, even blinking was tiring. I open my mouth to speak as loud as I could to get the message across, but I couldn't, instead a buzzing feeling shot up to my head and I flipped to the side of the bed, almost falling off.

"TOM!" I hear mom shudder tearfully. Her gentle hands  grab my shoulders and turn me around to face her where I can see her tears glimmer in the sunlight from in front of her. "Alice, i'm sorry about this, i'll... i'll bring you something later today. Do you need anything to eat sweet?" I nod slowly and try so hard to smile, I wanted them to know that I love them and that I appreciate everything that they have done to try and help at the least. I tap my index finger on my moms smooth hand widen my eyes with my mouth open, gently mouthing the word 'thank you' to her. She smiles and a single tear rolls down her cheek and onto the white bed sheeting. She kisses my forehead and slowly stands up.

"I'll go get some food, i'll be right back," she smiles with dad next to her.  He waves to me, followed by a thumbs up, then the door shuts.


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