Paper Flower #4

Life is a great big canvas; throw all the paint on it you can. -Danny Kaye

Paper Flower #5

I have found a desire within myself that no experience in this world can satisfy; the most probable explanation is that I was made for another world. -C.S. Lewis

Paper Flower #6

When flowers are in full bloom and the sun shines ever so brightly, dance.

When thunders roar and lightning cracks, dance.

Paper Flower #7

You are more than skin and bones. You are more than the color of your eyes. You are more.


As weeks passed, Eunhae had grown fond of receiving paper flowers. At first, it was odd yet as time went by, she found herself looking forward to seeing what type of color it will be and the words written on the note that somehow manage to enlighten her heart.

It was a quiet evening of Friday when Eunhae went to her room's balcony. The night sky was a cape of spilled ink accompanied by myriad of stars.

She stared at the paper flower she was holding. As usual, she got it from miss Mina when she went to La Grazia that day.

With anticipation and curiosity, she untied the knotted nylon string around the stem and took the folded note.

Paper Flower #8

There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens. -Ecclesiastes 3:1

Surprised at the words she just read, Eunhae averted her gaze to the sky that was bursting with stars. As she felt the cool wind brushed her cheek, she took in a deep breath and smiled, remembering how her father used to say those words to her.


It was during her Tuesday class when Eunhae went to La Grazia early in the morning. Miss Mina was wiping the glass windows when the girl knocked.

"Good morning, early bird." The older one said right after she unlocked the door and opened it.

"Good morning, miss M."

"What made you so early?"

"Nothing, miss. I just want to do some practice at this hour."

Miss Mina smiled at her response. "Alright then, you could go upstairs now. I already mopped the floors there."

"Thank you!"

Just before Eunhae went straight to the locker room, she stopped on her tracks and averted her attention to the front desk.


"Yes, dear?"

" there a new paper flower?"

"Oh," Miss Mina chuckled. "No. He hasn't come here yet. It's still early, child. He usually comes here before lunch."

"I see..."

"Is something wrong?"

"No, no. Well, probably I just got used of receiving one before I proceed to the locker room."

The older one nodded—still smiling. "I see...will you meet him later when he comes by?"

Hearing her question, Eunhae widened her eyes. "Oh, no, miss. It might be cumbersome."

"Cumbersome? Why so?"

"Well, I find myself awful in conversing with people. Especially with that boy...he seems so outspoken regarding his feelings."

Miss Mina smiled upon hearing her answer as she continued to wipe the window. "I see. Yes, I do notice his frankness which makes him interesting."


"Yes. I mean, people are used in disguising themselves with different facades. But him, it seems like he's very transparent."

Eunhae wrinkled her brow. "Transparent? What do you mean by that?"

"Well, he's very open, you see. Like every time he drops by here, he answers my questions honestly without fear of what I might think or say."

"You asked him?"

"I had short talks with him."

"Oh I see,"

"He isn't ashamed of his admiration towards you just so you know."

Ji Eun chortled at her statement and shook her head, "That boy,"

"It's very rare to encounter people who are brave in admitting their thoughts you know." Ms. Mina winked, earning a smile from Eunhae before she walked away.


When she finally got upstairs, Eunhae approached the cassette and placed the CD that she got from the room's shelf.

Eunhae stared at herself through the mirror and gently pointed her toes against hard floor. When the music finally sounded, she made a pirouette and started to dance.

After an hour had passed, a sliver of sunlight peeked through the windows that Eunhae opened after practicing. The sound of birds giving birth to songs was heard from afar as Eunhae removed her pointe shoes to massage her feet.

Slowly, she stood up and approached the opened window.

As she felt the warm kiss of sunlight on her skin, she observed the vehicle that drove pass the building. Its mechanical sound faded the music from the cassette for a short time.

Right after she glanced down, she saw a familiar figure went out from the entrance door. She didn't take a minute to ponder who it was. Just by looking at his ebony hair, Eunhae knew that it was the boy who's fond of giving her paper flowers every time she goes to La Grazia.

Hearing the faint sound of a ballet song from the opened window, the boy stopped upon his tracks and upwardly glanced behind.

Eunhae felt a slight panic inside her when the both of them met eyes. From a few distance, she could barely see the surprise on the boy's face.

He didn't look at her for a long time. Instead, he gave a salute along with his certain grin and walked away.

When he was finally out of sight, Eunhae exhaled as she clutched her chest and after waiting for a few minutes, she went down.

"Miss M?"

"Right on time, Eunhae. I was just about to put this inside the drawer."

Seeing the green paper flower, Eunhae cleared her throat. "Well, I just saw him from the window when he got I assumed that he left a—"

"Paper flower?" The older one smiled. "Of course."

Eunhae bowed after retrieving it and after muttering a thank you, she went back upstairs.

Paper Flower #9

Be a flower that grows even amidst adversity.

After mulling over the written words, Eunhae laid herself on the cold floor. The vast white ceiling dominated her vision yet the string of words that she just read somehow reappeared, gluing itself on the plain ceiling.

Eunhae stretched out her arm and stared at the paper flower she was holding. She hasn't talked to him ever since the first time she met him in front of La Grazia's building. Yet despite their lack of conversation, she somehow felt as if he's always there to accompany her because of his short note. It's as if a string of bond has already appeared between the two of them.

Opening once again the folded paper, Eunhae smiled.


After the 9th paper flower, he stopped.

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