Chapter: 4.5

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Beast two: Byakko

"Kurama, how terrible is that wound?" Yusuke asked.

"Fine, as long as I can walk." Kurama said.

"You did great." I said.

"He'll survive but he's in no shape to fight." Hiei said. "That means we only have four fighters left and one of them is worthless." Hiei said.

"Hey, don't be so hard on the girl." Kuwabara said.

"Umm maybe I'm just guessing but, I think he meant you." I said.

"Is that so? Then maybe I should show you something!" Kuwabara said. "What in the world do you think I was doin' for the last six months while you were off training with Genkai? Letting you get better than me? Nuh-uh!!" Kuwabara said then his hand started to glow. "Spirit Sword!" Kuwabara said and a sword came from his hand.

"Impressive." I said. "But, what I have is cooler." I said and my hands started to glow. "Spirit Ninja Stars!" I said and ninja stars appeared in my hands. I grinned. "These are deadly ninja stars produced from my demon energy." I said.

"Whatever." Kuwabara said. Then pointed his sword at Yusuke.

"Hey! Watch it!" Yusuke said.

"'Ya see what I've learned Urameshi? I don't gotta use the tip of that wooden sword to make it work anymore. It's just my pure energy! And I bet it could kick the crap out of your Spirit Gun!" Kuwabara said.

"That depends on what finger I use." Yusuke said flicking Kuwabara off.

"Well, as it turns out he's only partially worthless." Hiei said.

"Okay, wanna die?!" Kuwabara said pointing the sword at Hiei.

"I dare you." Hiei said.

"Hey!" Yusuke said separating them.

"Yeah-yeah, let him live." Kuwabara said. "I'm pretty sure he'll be saying sorry after he sees what else I can do! Sword get long!" Kuwabara said pointing his sword up and it crashed into the ceiling.

"Wow, it even comes with a spear attachment." Yusuke said.

Kuwabara laughed. "I can make it any size I want it to be." Kuwabara said then making it disappear. "I know when Genbu showed up I got a little- what's the word. Freaked! But that's not gonna happen from now on, my friends! Because Kuwabara's got the good stuff!" Kuwabara said then falling back. "Don't worry guys- sometimes the sword makes me a little dizzy." Kuwabara said.

"You're not making us look good!" Yusuke said then the commutation mirror rang again.

"Yusuke! You've got to hurry!!" Botan said.

"What's the matter, Botan?" Yusuke asked.

"Listen Yusuke, I think the Saint Beasts have launched another wave of insects! I've found a whole batch by an elementary school!" Botan said.

"They're taking over kids now?" Yusuke said.

"That's right." Botan said.

"I thought you said these insects only liked to take over the minds of depressed people!" Yusuke said.

"Well that's because depressed people are more easily influenced. The same is also true for children, but if the bugs get in them I'm afraid--" Botan stopped.

"Okay, you're afraid! I get it! Now finish your sentence!" Yusuke said.

"Sorry Yusuke, but I'm being chased now!" Botan said.

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