"What are you doing to her?" a intimidating voice roared, quickly, he lets go of my neck as my butt fell on the floor.

I coughed as I slowly looked up to the third person who came, my eyes softened as tears appeared in the corners of my eyes. "Mika...!"

Mika turned to the two vampires and shot them a nasty glare, "i know that i told every vampire not to touch her..."
he started as shadows casted near his eyes, "was i not clear enough?"

Lacus laughed, "don't be too selfish, Mika. She has a good scent, i bet you already have noticed that, right?"

'I-I have a good scent?! What's that suppose to mean?'

Mika grabbed my arm and pulled me up as he started walking through the hallways, his hands held mine tightly. Before we could clearly leave, he turned to them.

"Never touch my property, got it?" he snarled at them as Lacus shrugged while Rene sighed, I think they both got it. "as long as we're cleared."

He began to pull me once again and started walking away, while we were walking, I can sense that he is angry.

"I-It hurts...Mika!" i said as the grip he has on my hand tightened while he fastened his pace, I could barely walk beside him.

He didn't paid me attention as we kept walking, then we reached the room where I was at earlier, he drops my hand while he locked the door.

Shivers ran through my spine as I heard the door clicked, 'why did he locked the door?!' before I could ask him that, he pushed me on the bed.

My back touched the soft, comfy bed, he immediately hovered on top of me, he puts his left leg between my legs and put both of his hands between my head, completely trapping me.

I stared at his pair of cerulean blue eyes that I always get lost at, it was filled with anger while he growled at me furiously.

"Why did you went out of my room? You could have die out there!" his voice roared throughout the room.

I closed my eyes tightly as I was afraid at the thought of what he might do to me, I could feel tears stinging my eyes, I surely didn't liked him yelling at me like that.

After a moment of silence, he let out a sigh, my eyes fluttered open to see his glare softening. Then he laced his hands with mine while he leaned down on my shoulder, his blonde hair was brushing against my cheek.

I could feel his hot breathe near my neck as he gave my hand a comforting squeeze before snuggling to me closely.

"I'm sorry for shouting at you and leaving you by yourself..." he soothingly said as he wasn't angry anymore like earlier.

He lifts his face and placed his forehead on mine, I could feel my cheeks get warmer in how touchy he was. "did it hurt?" i was confused at first but then I let out an 'oh' as I realised that what he meant was when Lacus strangled me.

"A l-little...his grip on my neck was really tight." i answered truthfully, he touched my neck with his hands as i flinched in how cold it was.

"Unforgivable...I won't forgive him." he growled to no one in particular, just to himself.

I could see in his eyes that he was lost staring at my visible neck, "Mika?" he seems to be snapped back to reality.

He stood up from the bed and walked up to the window while I sat up, "you should cover your neck...it's really tempting." he muttered.

Oh I see, he's vampire now...

Suddenly, he went down on his knees as he started clutching his shirt, I stood up from the bed and hurriedly walked up to him.

"Are you okay, Mika?" i asked as he slapped my hand away as my eyes widened in shock.

"Don't come closer...I might do something that will make you hate me." he said, not facing me.

"You're...thirsty, aren't you?"

I could sense that he hasn't drink any human blood, hence, the colour of his eyes aren't the same as the other vampires that are colour red.

"Please...Shiro-chan, don't make me a complete, full-blood vampire."

I could see how parched his tongue was, I know that he is suffering all this time to resist human blood. I smiled as I revealed my neck.

"You're really kind, Mika..."

He adverted his gaze with mine as he glared on the wall, with hatred.

"I'm not that kind..."

I shook my head lightly as I tapped his shoulder, he turned to me as I caught him staring on my neck.

"Please drink my blood...you're thirsty, aren't you? Plus, I wouldn't mind if you are the one who's going to bite me." i assured him with a smile on my face, on the contradicty, I was scared, but I have to do this, for him.

"You're mean...Shiro-chan." he muttered as I giggled, "sorry,"

I tugged on my shirt, revelling my neck and my left collarbone, it's kind of embarrassing but...I have to do it.

"Bite me...and drink my blood."

He gritted his sharp teeth as he kept staring at my neck, moments later, he pulled me up as he pinned me on the wall, he gripped on my wrist tightly as he went to my neck.

"It will hurt, Shiro-chan..."

"P-Please go gentle on me,"

He opened his mouth, revelling his fangs as it pierced my skin making me yelp in the sudden pain sensation.

Once he pricked my skin, he slowly draws my blood and gulped it, I could feel my cheeks warmer in the close contact that we're making...I could hardly even breathe.

Moments of silence passed as he was drinking my blood, I could feel my body slightly cold and numb, my eyes are really heavy as my vision gets blurry. This must be anaemic.

"Mika? I'm dizzy..." i moaned as he didn't stop there, he just continued. "when will you be finished in drinking my blood?" i asked again.

He didn't paid me attention, hence, he continued sipping my blood. My eyes were lit in half-lidded as my knees were weakening, in matter of seconds, I'll surely fall on the ground.

Then his teeth left my skin as he wiped his mouth, "i'm sorry, you're blood is so delicious...Shiro-chan."

I slumped down on the ground as my sight gets blurry and hazy, 'this is not good...I'm losing consciousness.'

Mika's eyes turned cerulean blue to dark blood eyes, that was the last thing I saw before drifting to sleep.

To be Continued...

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