"Deep in the spruce." Luke added in with a confident smile.

"On the shore of the lake--" Burt joined in.

"It's Camp Little Moose." Trudy and Darla ran over with smiles as they participated.

"Little Moose, Little Moose, Little Moose." Everyone else joined in.

"Fred Jones: Counselor, mentor, hero." Fred smiled as he felt like this was a true dream come true now.

"Guys, I just thought of something," Colette spoke up. "If the Woodsman didn't find Burt, Luke, Trudy, Drell, Darla, and Amber, then he thinks the camp is empty."

"So?" Scooby looked to the cocker spaniel puppy, not understanding where she was going with this.

"If the camp is empty, then he thinks it's okay to--" Colette started to explain until suddenly, there were explosions heard from the dam.

"Quick, everyone, into the Mystery Machine!" Patch called out.

As the water started to rush and flood in, they all ran into the van.

"Goodness..." Amber whispered as she watched from the back doors with Darla.

"Quick, drive!" Darla exclaimed.

Fred drove as quickly as he could, even ignoring the speed limit as the water was rushing. Darla squeezed her eyes shut as she was having flashbacks to when she and Max flooded the stage to get Danny and the other animals kicked out of Hollywood. Amber could see that Darla was having flashbacks and decided to place her hand on her best friend's shoulder to assure her that everything will be alright. Atticus and Goku flew off next to them. Darla winced slightly, but looked back to Amber who smiled comfortingly to her and she smiled back. Drell seemed to be having a panic attack with all the water however.

"Drell, you okay?" Mo asked.

"I-I-I don't like floods..." Drell admitted. "Just.. Nope...."

"I don't think anyone likes floods." Mo said.

"They make me nervous..." Drell said. "They remind me of when I was younger when the Titanic set sail."

"Wait, you were apart of the crew that was on the Titanic?" Velma asked, amazed.

"Oh, um, did I say that out loud?" Drell chuckled nervously since Mystery Inc didn't know he was a warlock.

"Yes, yes, you did." The Mystery Inc., Luke, Trudy, and Amber said.

"Uhh... Well..." Drell twiddled his fingers nervously.

"Were you in a reenactment?" Velma asked.

"Uh, yes!" Drell covered up with a smile. "I was only playing a part in a recreation... I mean, if I were in the actual Titanic, I'd be like hundreds of years old now, wouldn't I?" he then forced himself to laugh. "Silly gooses..."

"We'll have to find out later because the flood of water seems to be getting closer." Fred said as he was with them in the back, looking out the back-doors.

"Wait, Fred, if you're here, then who's driving?" Colette asked before seeing her boyfriend at the steering wheel.

"Hold onto your butts!" Patch told the others as he took the wheel.

"Patch, you can drive?" Amber asked, surprised at the puppy.

"Yeah, I learned how to drive by watching Jessica do it during my adventure in London and also while Atticus would drive his car." Patch explained while driving as fast as he could so they wouldn't get hit by the flood of water.

"Oh, you better know what you're doing, Spot..." Drell pulled on his hair anxiously.

"Don't worry, I do know what I'm doing." Patch said.

"Guys! You're running out of road!" Atticus informed them from outside the Mystery Machine.

"What?!" Patch called, then rolled down the window. "What?"

"You're running out of road!" Atticus repeated, sounding scared and worried for them.

"What?! Oh, no..." Patch said before smiling nervously to the others. "Okay, everyone, don't panic, but apparently we're running out of road."

Drell looked to the others. "We're running out of road..." he then laughed slightly before cracking up. "We're running out of road..."

The others then forced themselves and nervously laughed with him. Drell then let out a bloody murder scream.

"Wait, look, I think I see something we can use to make sure we don't sink." Colette said while pointing to something floating.

"It's by the docks!" Patch saw as well as he drove them.

"Oh, please, let it hold." Drell prayed.

"Like, now we're running out of dock!" Shaggy yelped.

Patch kept driving anyway as he drove the Mystery Machine off the docks and right onto a boat. The flooding water came over to the dock water and they were swerving and flowing. And where they even started to surf the flooded water as it was now a wave.

"Hold on, everybody!" Patch called as he tried to keep himself calm.

"Like, you don't have to tell us twice!" Shaggy told him.

The van was now flying briefly and crashed against the cliff when the water splashed them over. Patch did his best to drive the van up the cliff end and made it as he accelerated up the cliff and the water continued to flood through the campground.

"Are we alive?" Drell asked scared.

"Yes, we're alive." Colette smiled once Patch drove them to safe and dry ground.

"Ratch, rhat ras ramazing." Scooby smiled to the Dalmatian puppy.

"Thanks." Patch smiled.

"Wow, Patch, I didn't know you could do that." Luke smiled.

"Look!" Velma pointed out the windshield to see the disaster area. "Big Moose Lake is almost completely gone."

"Which means it's going to be dry enough for us all to go in." Colette said.

"Like, presto," Shaggy said once the water was drained. "Instant town, just subtract water."

"Well then, let's go," Atticus said, floating beside the vehicle. "Me and Goku will wait for you all there."

Luke led the way down by skidding alongside downward as Atticus and Goku waited. Drell stepped back, then took out his wand and teleported himself to lower ground before everyone else. And where the only way Atticus and Goku got to the no longer underwater town before the others was by flying there.

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