“Seth, watch for that step,” Lacey whispers when she tries to help me up the steps in her house. I didn’t realize I had that much time to watch my step so I went tumbling down the steps, laughing when I fell on the floor. Lacey came rushing to my side and tried helping me back up. “Seth, why do you have to drink?” She mumbles to herself as we try again and this time I watched my step. After taking longer then we should have on the steps, Lacey kicks open her bedroom door, and tosses me on the bed. I kick off my shoes as Lacey locks her door and climbs into bed, disappearing beneath the blankets. 

“Sorry you had to pick me up, sorry I drank, sorry I-“ Lacey ended up cutting off my rant when she threw the blankets on me and laid me down. 

“Just sleep it off and be quiet.” I nod and let my eyes slowly close. 

The sudden bright light hitting in my eyes made me open my eyes but I suddenly regretted it as my head started pounding. I go to turn around to face my alarm clock but instead face a picture of Lacey and Lily on a desk… Since when do I have a picture of Lacey and Lily in my room? My eyes crease but then Lacey suddenly appears from somewhere and sits on the bed, handing me some pills, and water. I sit up and groan immediately from the horrible taste in my mouth and the pounding in my head. I quickly take the pills and hand Lacey the glass and then take my head in my hands. Worst hangover yet. How much did I drink last night and who let me drink that much? Dear God, does my dad know? Better yet did I drive myself here? Speaking of where…

“Where am I?” I groan as I rub my eyes with my palms. 

“My house, I picked you up after you called me at three in the morning.” 

I open my eyes ready to beat myself up for waking her up but my eyes immediately drop to her jaw, a bruised and swollen jaw. I cup her waist and drag her onto my lap, taking her face in my hands and but she looks away. It looks fresh as ever. “Lacey…” I argue. 

“It’s fine, Seth, really,” she reassures me but never looks me in the eyes. My vision goes red. “This isn’t okay, Lacey!” I sigh as I make her look at me, her jaw looking raw. “What the hell happened and don’t you dare lie to me,” I snap. 

“Seth… stop, you’re making a bigger deal out of it.” 

My eyes go wide. “Bigger deal?! You have a bruise the size of Texas on your jaw and your telling me I’m making a big deal out of it? How can I not?” I explode out of frustration. 

“Stop yelling!” She yells when she throws her hands over her ears. “Please, just stop yelling,” She whispers when her eyes flutter shut. 

I lightly place my hands over her hands and move her head so she’s looking at me, her eyes open and her stormy eyes are wide with fear and it hurts when I realize I caused her this fear. I know how sensitive she is yet I go and raise my voice and do everything I know not what to do. She’s been quiet and reserved for the past week and just not her and now I have to go and make it worse. My heart drops in my stomach and I couldn’t breathe properly. I probably just screwed our whole relationship up. Guilt immediately took over my whole body and I could only just in anger as I watched Lacey’s gray eyes grow wide with fear. A single tear rolled down her cheek and I frowned. 

“I’m so sorry for raising my voice, Lacey. I wasn’t thinking and I just let my emotions take over. I didn’t mean to yell at you,” I apologize as I wipe her tear away. “I didn’t mean to scare you, I really didn’t Lacey.” 

Lacey rests her forehead on my chest and snuggles into my side. “I didn’t mean to make it a big deal,” she mumbles. 

“It is a big deal, Lacey. It’s a fear, you hate it when people yell and I hate death. I need to respect your fear.” 

“You fear death?” Lacey asks when she looks up at me, her face not so pale and she looks a little bit better which relaxes me. 

I sigh and look into her eyes. “When I was in my freshman year of school my best friend took his life because his Dather died and no one wanted to take him in because his Mom fled when he was little. So instead of going to a foster care he ended up killing himself. It traumatized me knowing that my best friend killed his self because of his Father’s death. Ever since then I’ve just kind of been afraid of death, especially seeing my friend in that coffin, so cold and so… pale. It just scarred me and yeah. I know what it feels like when someone brings up death and so I know it’s a big deal, Lacey. I need to respect your fears.” 

We sat here in Lacey’s bed just staring at each for what seemed like forever, just staring into each other’s eyes and trying to read each other. It seemed at peace in a weird and idiotic way. Everything just seemed right and oh so corny. I was turning into a pansy and I knew it. There was nothing to disagree on that, I, Seth Woods was falling for Lacey Mitchell and I would protect her until the day I died. Yes, until the day I die I want to protect and make her happy to no cost. I want her to feel happy and alive. I want her to be able to tell me anything she needs to tell me, I just want her

“What time is it?” I suddenly ask when I look out her window to see the sun shining. 

Lacey looks over at her shoulder and then back at me. “4 in the afternoon.” I sigh, I can’t believe I slept until 4 in the afternoon on a Saturday, thank God I told my parents I was staying at Keith’s. 

“And Lacey?” she nods her head against my chest and I blow out a sigh. “I’m sorry I drank last night, I also know how you feel about being drunk.” 

“I don’t expect you to drop your old habits because of me, Seth. I understand that you’re use to drinking and partying, don’t let me stop you because I don’t like people drinking.” I groan. “Yeah but you’re my girlfriend, Lacey. I’m not suppose to do that, maybe you with me but not alone. I’m not that much of an asshole. Come to a party with me,” I blurt and Lacey lifts her head, staring at me with creased eyebrows. 

“Seth…” She murmurs. I peck her forehead. “I’ll be by your side the whole night, we can leave the minute we get there or stay to whenever you want to. Just… just come to one as my date?” 

“You know I would love to… but I can’t Seth. I don’t want to.” I nod and throw the covers over our bodies. “Now let’s sleep off this headache,” I mumble with a chuckle and Lacey just chuckles with me but snuggles against my chest, us both falling asleep before even thinking twice. 

And that’s how I want to fall asleep every night, with Lacey in my arms. Safe and sound. 

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