Chapter Four

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A month or so after the ball like party my mother had, I started getting sick. Really sick. And I also noticed some other differences .

As I was sitting in bed, my hands rubbing over my small baby bump, I could pick up on the conversations downstairs. My parents always had guests over so the multiple conversations didnt surprise me. However I listened in on my moms with my sister and her husband.

"Our heritage is proud we will not have some fanged bastard ruin that now! Kill the child but be careful with my daughter!" The pain couldnt have hit me any harder than a mack truck. How did my mom know? I kept my stomach hidden from view behind blouses. And why would she want to kill her own grand children! 

I heard my sisters voice in return. "Ill do everything I can to convince her to abort the child mamma."

And then at the drop of a pin, it seemed like everything started going wrong. I felt like I was freezing but when I took my temperature it said I was a 104 degrees. 

Damien was supposed to show up soon and I hoped he didnt wait longer. I hurt, badly.

I gasped as a wave a nausea swept over me like a tidal wave. My bones ached and it felt like I had growing pains all over. Soon the pain became so overwhelming, I fell to my knees. 

The wall sized mirror caught my attention. Was it just me or did my body look like it kept distorting itself? 

Holding back a scream was a hard effort. I didnt want my family to know what was happening. And suddenly, I cant quite recon the exact thing that happened but one minute I was on my knees and the next I was on all four. I wobbled and looked towards the mirror, a scream caught in my throat and when it forced its way out it sounded like a loud yowl. Where I should have been stood a decent sized lynx. 

Underneath it all I noticed that it felt like somebody was in my mind with me. Guiding me till my movements werent so novice like. 

This body was odd. I may have controlled it but that didnt mean my emotions were my own. It felt like everything was amplyified. I could smell things before I couldnt smell, see things in a new way.

Minutes went on as I continued to adjust to this odd form when suddenly I started to feel the pains again through my limbs. It wasnt as bad. In fact it began to feel almost good, until I felt my teeth shift.  

If I hadnt known my body was trying to change itself once again I would have sworn someone was jamming an ice pic in my mouth. 

By the time the pain stopped I was already looking in the mirrow. My eyes were glowing a dull red and my skin was pale white. I ran my hands up my arm and it was ice cold. 

"What the hell." The words slipped out of my mouth as I stared at the mirror in shock. "What is going on here!" 

"Elise?" Damien looked at me with terror filled eyes. "Dammit. How long has this been going on?"

"Am I a...a vampire?" I ignored his question and thought, this was it, this was the end I was sure of it. Damien would call me a freak and then leave. 

"For now yes my love. Your family are Mergers, Elise. They are unlike any other supernatural species." His eyes softened as he spoke about them. 

I flinched back. "How do you know so much about them?" I'm sure the scowl on my face looked down right ridiculous with my fangs poking out over my top lip. "And why wouldnt my own family tell me about this?" My breathing became hitched and it felt like my throat was closing off. 

"Elise? Elise?! Calm down, breath baby girl its alright your fine. But for some reason your genes didnt show up till later. I bet yours were recessive." He murmured with his lips pressed against my hair. "And I know so much, because I'm a vampire, mi amore. My family is rivals with yours because of our species. How ever, a couple months ago, I realized you were my mate." 

"I cant even tell you how odd it is for someone like me to be mated to a Merger. They are almost like shapeshifters except, you can shift into any one of the supernaturals. If you dont calm down now hun your gonna shift again soon. Focus on my voice Elise..." His voice started off strong and ended in an almost whisper.

My eyes watered with tears. "How come I was kept in the dark. You should have told me before we even had sex." I slammed my fists against his chest and was surprised to see him wobble backwards. Tears began to flow freely and I felt the shifting pains again. 

Damien frowned and stepped backwards. "Just let the shift take its course. I'll teach you soon how to control what you want to shift into.

I felt the vampire fangs shrink down to size but they still stood extended a notch more than my normal teeth would. My body this time didnt shift into another animal but I felt the deep pulsing beneath my skin of a wild animal.

"Werewolf," He murmured to me softly. "A werewolf changes by using its emotions to signal the shift of the wolf. Its important you try to stay in control while your in the werewolfs body."

Everything I was feeling was amplified. And it scared me to put it simply. But the most scariest thing was the wolf. I actually felt her pacing inside my head just waiting for an opening to intervene in the situation and force me to bend to her will. 

"Its like there's a caged animal in my head." I closed my eyes and clenched my fists placing them on the sides of my head.

He stood there for a moment, contemplating what to say. "In a way there is, shes a part of you like you are her. Except when a werewolf shifts, the wolf takes over and you are pushed to the furthest corners of your mind while shes in her natural form. Thats why its important to keep tight rein and only shift when need be."

All this information made my head hurt. "Are there more supernaturals?" 

Damien nodded. "Many. Theres a bunch of fae, shifters, witches, werewolves, vampires, ghosts, demons, hell hounds, the incubus, and the succubus. There are even God like supernaturals but those however are not something you can copy the forms of. The more simpilar supernaturals yes, you may even be able to shift into a hell hound if you have enough power."

I really didnt want to know if i could merge into a hell hound. It just sounded bad.

With this new body, I recognized the sound of people coming up the staircase, and I thought of the conversation I had overheard. 

"Damien we have to get out of here now. I'll tell you about it later but please, please get me out of here now." Panic made my throat run dry and caused the wolf deep down under to wrestle against my control. It took only seconds for her to win and I felt a different kind of change happening. It was god awful and I whined as I felt the first bone snap and the shift progressed. 

Sometime during the shift, Damien had grabbed my messed up body and jumped out the window. Apparently he had some super speed as a vampire, because as I opened my eyes in the middle of the shift trees flew by us. 

When we got near the docks of one of the neighboring owners he set me down and finally the shift could finish. 

I sat there gasping for breath on the wooden dock. "Guess we will have to wait till you shift back then huh?" He murmured mostly to himself.

It looked like it was going to be a very very long night.


Okay well I know this is definitely not one of the best chapters Ive written and for that I am sorry but please vote & comment!

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⏰ Última atualização: Sep 25, 2013 ⏰

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