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I dare all the girls to say what they think about the boys and viceversa!

Jack: *gulp*

All except Rapunzel: Not it!

Rapunzel: Guess I go first. Well... Eugene, you are my husband the love of my life. Hiccup, you're a great friend. Kristoff, you're a great friend too. And Jack, you're a silly flying prankster.

Jack: Hey!

All except Jack: *laughs*

Eugene: Well, Rapunzel you're my wife and the love of my life, Elsa and Anna are great friends and I like Merida's accent.

Merida: What ye talkin' bout!

Hiccup: Nevermind him. Merida, I think you're the best girlfriend I could ever have! Elsa, Anna, and Punzie, you're good friends.

Merida: Well Hiccup, ye are the best boyfriend eva! Kristoff, Jack, and Eugene.....you're just boys.

Eugene, Jack & Kristoff: Hey! We're more than that!

All except Eugene, Jack & Kristoff: *giggles*

Anna: Kristoff, to me you're the best boyfriend I could ever have and I thank you for taking care of me. Eugene, you're a great guy. Hiccup, you give me delicious chocolates! Jack, you're just Elsa's boyfriend.

Jack: Why you gotta be so rude!🎤

Elsa: Haha!

Kristoff: Anna, I love you and everything about you. Elsa, you're an awesome friend! Rapunzel and Merida you're great friends too.

Jack: Finally! Someone didn't say anything rude or mean!

Hiccup: I didn't say anything rude or mean!

Jack: Oh.

Elsa: My turn! Jack, I love you with all my heart! You're super cool and fun. Kristoff, you're a great friend. Hiccup too. Eugene too.

Jack: Finally my turn!

All: *laugh*

Jack: Elsa, my beautiful snowflake, my love, I will die without you. You light up my world! Anna, you eat too much chocolate. Punzie, you have nice hair. Merida, you're good at archery.

Anna: Hey! FYI Elsa eats chocolate too! But not as much as me...

Elsa: Oh Jack... *sobs* That's so sweet! I love you!

Elsa & Jack kiss deeply in love. Then Olaf walks in.

Olaf: Guys, because I love you I suggest you run. *whispering*

Everybody leaves Jack and Elsa kissing and go to another room.

All except Jelsa: Ask and Dare us!

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