Dare 9

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Ariel: My friend Joven dared the teen titans.

Joven: I dare Raven..

Raven: No 

Joven: I dare Raven....

Raven: No

Joven: I dare Beast Boy and Raven.. 

Raven: No 

Joven: I dare Beast Boy and Raven to go to school and act like a couple.*Fast even that Raven wouldn't stop him from saying his dare*

*Raven Blushing*

Beast Boy: I like this guy.

*Raven and Beast Boy go to a school and act like a couple.*

Raven: If you get any closer to me your dead!

*Beast Boy coming in closer to give Raven a kiss and Raven chokes him*

Robin: Raven stop!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

StarFire: Psss can you people of Earth give me a dare?

Cyborg: See you next time.

Robin in the back round 

Robin: what is wrong with you two i thought you guys finally became friends but it seems i was wrong.

Raven: bye i'm gonna go do my thing. And kill something

Beast Boy: It was not my fault. It was Jovens Dare.

Joven: Hey at least I got you a date with Raven.

Robin looks at the camera and it was still on.

Robin Turns off the camera.

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