You the whole story right now she's waiting for me and so is Jared. Oh
I get it, it's a case. Yea that's it, it's a case and it's a long
story to explain why she doesn't have clothes but don't you dare thing
of her bad she's a very nice person who needs my help. Aww bro you
like her okay ill help you but you better introduce her to me okay.
Okay, please I am in a hurry okay well tell me how she looks. Umm she
has very distinctive curves and she has the most beautiful eyes. Okay
I said describe her like her shape fat skinny not tell me how she
looks. Dang I was afraid of letting you go on who knows what you would
have said. Oh my bad no she's not fat she skinny but she has a butt
bro you think you have something like that for her. Wow you would for
your in formation it's not all about the body to some men. I'm not
saying it is you know I don't mean it like that I just simply stated
that she has a butt. Humph that smile says it all anyways the only
things I have that will fit are legging since I don't have a butt
nothing else would fit her, what is that? Just take it to her and
these boots hopefully they'll fit and take her this coat and shirt
too. It's getting cold outside so she'll need something warm. Aww
thanks sis what would I do without you. Yea better kiss up and your
buying me new clothes what I can't hear you oh okay love you too sis
bye hugs and kisses. I drove home as fastest I can. I opened the door
and she was sitting down on the couch potato drinking hot chocolate
and starting outside the window. She looked so beautiful. Oh hey I
didn't hear you come in. He laughed I noticed you look cozy. Yea I am, thank
you so much daemon for everything how can I ever repay you. Oh well
you can have dinner with me I brought food. There's the smile I have
been waiting for she looked so beautiful and she sure was turning me
on wearing my clothes. Of course I can it's the least I can do for
now. I also brought you clothes it might not be the best though but
it's definitely girl clothes. He laughed its okay daemon I admire you for
trying to help me. Oh yea and we have a guest you know how I was
telling you about my best friend Jared the detective well he's coming
by to ask you about your side of the story he needs to record it for
the judge. Yup and let me tell you your story has jack crying guilty
all over him. I looked at her as she put her head down. I walked up to
her a knelt down and picked up her chin everything's going to be okay.
She looked at me and said how do you know? I know because I have a
very strong, faithful, beautiful partner not willing to give up. She
looked at me and shed a tear. She shook her head I'm not that girl
anymore. That's not true the first thing you asked me was if you were
able to get drug tested and for what to fight to have your peace in
mind that, that robber would be put away for what he did. That robber
didn't take everything from you. You still have your heart to give
away to that man that would be lucky enough for you to honor him with.
So don't let that robber take everything from you. Be that strong,
faithful, beautiful lady that you are. I couldn't believe what daemon
had told me he was right about everything. I still had myself to offer
to that very special person. I smiled and cried of happiness as I
hugged him. Why are you crying beautiful because you just made me
realize your right I still have my heart to offer to that special man
I have all my love to give to him. That's right beautiful lady so show
me that bright smile I love to see. She smiled so bright it made me so
happy that she was happy. Now I know you haven't eaten yet for a fact
because I don't have anything here he laughed. I looked at her as she
laughed wow what is wrong with me my heart was beating so fast. I
never had such deep feeling for a woman so fast before and these
weren't just any ordinary feelings these were deep feeling I had for
this beautiful lady sitting in front of me. Wow Daemon made me feel
alive again he made me feel like my shattered heart was being filled
again. I couldn't believe it would be possible to get cured from a
pain that I was going through especially in one day. He made me feel
safe. He made me feel special and that everything would be okay. Was
it possible that my heart was cured with love? Has we ate the buzzer
rang. Oh that's Jared are you ready I asked her she looked at me and
said nodded. Come on in Jared. Hey what's up bro where she at? Oh hi
miss Kim you can call me Kim. Okay are you ready Kim I need you to
still me your side of the story from the beginning every detail
counts, you sound like daemon ha or daemon sounds like me I laughed. After
I told Jared the whole story he smiled at daemon your right man with
this story we got him. That's great man you can do it you can solve
it. I jumped of excitement so happy I had it I had the evidence the
whole time. He laughed yea I guess you did have some but not all Jared said
we have the clues we still need to find the bottle test it for drugs
and finger prints. We also need your test to come back, but that's at
least a week from today don't worry girl I got hook ups. Ill see if I
can get it sooner. Also have you had your other test the check up that
we can also get him like that? Wait what you mean other test the check
up daemon asked Jared bro the test you take at the hospital to check
if you're a virgin or not. Oh! Snap I completely forgot about that.
You know what this means Kim we can get him sooner than we thought yea
you can Jared said. That's so great can we go right now? Um no I don't
think you can it closes at 5 I'm sorry your going to have to wait for
tomorrow Jared said. Uh okay that's not too bad its just a few hours
from now. Yea ill take you in the morning daemon said smiling at me
okay that well be great. Yup I think that test takes only a day for
the results to come back. Oh and it opens at 8. Okay thanks Jared yea
thank you so much Jared I reach out and gave him a kiss on the check
thank you for all your help. Oh your welcome it's my job put the bad
guys away plus I couldn't take all the credit here daemon has been in
top of this case since he first put eyes on it he laughed. Well you guys
have a goodnight bye bro see you later, okay thanks bro for everything
bye. I like your best friend he's nice. He laughed yea he always has my back
he's like the brother I never had. Aww that's sweet. Hmm you should
get some rest for tomorrow you can go to sleep on my bed. Where are
you going to sleep? On the couch are you sure I don't mind sleeping on
the couch are kidding me no its fine I've done it before I bought them
for the same reason so when I do have to sleep on them there
comfortable. Okay thank you daemon goodnight. Goodnight my sleeping
beauty. Huh wow was I falling hard for this woman? It's like every
time she smiles at me she sends a shock right through me and I can't
get enough. I got to let her know how she makes me feel I just have to
be patient, she just went through a really rough time, and it hasn't
even been a day yet since it happen it will be to sudden. Oh my gosh
though she's so beautiful inside and out. How am I going to control
myself around her my feelings right now are everywhere? Ugh what am I
going to do ill show her that I can protect her? Wow daemons bed
smelled so good I can smell his colon on his blankets. It gave me
butterflies in my stomach the thought of me being on his bed and
smelling his colon turned me on. I don't know what's going on with me
I just went through a really painful situation and yet I'm feeling
like this. Just a few hours ago I was crying my eyes out and was
feeling so hurt. For some reason though when daemons around to comfort
me he makes me feel so good like if I wasn't hurt. His kindness and
his presence makes my heart feel likes it beating again. I can't stop
it even if I wanted to. He is the juice my heart needs to continue
beating, without him I feel sadness and loneliness. I have to stop he
doesn't feel the same for me maybe I am preventing him to like me I
have to stop. I can't get hurt again it hurts too much I don't ever
want to hurt him either he doesn't deserve that he deserves someone
better than me someone who has to offer him more. Tomorrow I will go
back home to my parents. Maybe if I stay away I can learn to cope on
my own. That night I cried myself to sleep. The next day in the
morning I woke up to the smell of food I put on the clothes he gave me
and walked outside good morning my sleeping beauty. Good morning
daemon I need to tell you something. Tell me anything you want
beautiful lady. Umm I want to go home now I want to go home to my
parents. Why? What's wrong is it something I did. No, no of course not
you did everything right. You gave me so much and I am so thankful I
will make sure my dad repays you grateful for the food clothes shelter
everything. That's not necessary Kim I didn't do it for money I did it
for you because I care about you. Oh well I thank you daemon for
everything may god bless you twice has much. Can you take me home now?
Umm don't you want to eat first? No thanks I am fine. How about the
check up test? My parents will take me. Oh okay well umm let me get my
keys then ill take you. I couldn't believe what I was hearing she was
leaving me. Just yesterday she seemed so happy to be here with me and
now she wants to leave. The whole way to my house daemon was quite not
a word he spoke. I couldn't tell if he was mad, sad, or happy. I sure
he was happy not having to deal with me anymore. It was best for both
of us to get some space. Has I got off his car he said Kim. My heart
pounded yea, here's Jared's card if you need any information about
your case. Oh, thanks and he drove off, my heart felt like it dropped
has he drove off. Tears started coming down my cheeks. I heard my name
Kim! It was my parents. What happened to you we were worried sick the
cops told us everything. The whole way to her house was throat hurting
I felt like my heart was ripped apart. How can she leave me after what
we went through what I went through to show her I cared? I guess she
didn't feel the same as I felt for her. How can I be so stupid and let
myself love for a beautiful lady in pain? That day I stayed home
sitting where she at looking outside the window.
(Kim) I explained to my parents what had happened and why I didn't
come home. My mom was crying the whole time that I said my story my
dad sat by her comforting her. After I finished my story they both
looked at me with sorrow in there eyes. They hugged me so tight and
rained kisses on me mom, mom I'm okay now. Oh honey we are so sorry
this happened to you. That monster will get what he deserves. Yea
will, I need you guys to give me a ride to the hospital so I can get
checked, that way we can have proof he's guilty. Oh dear of course
will go right now. Okay let me go get changed I put on a plain white
t-shirt and a pair of jeans with my converse. I sprayed some perfume
on, oh how I miss you I whispered to myself smiling. I looked around
my room and everything was in its place, but for some reason something
was different I just couldn't put a pin on it. I walked out of my room
okay I'm ready as I looked at my parents. Okay honey lets go. On the
way to the hospital it was so quite and awkward. I had to say
something so were is Riley and Olivia? Oh there at grandmas house she
taking them out to eat. Oh that's nice. Things got suddenly quite and
awkward again like if I said something wrong. You know mom, dad I'm
still the same girl I was before. You don't have to treat me different
or act different because of me, because of what happened. Oh of course
not honey you're still our little girl no matter what. Huh that's not
what I said I thought to myself they don't understand that by them
doing that there hurting me more. It makes me feel like I really am a
different girl now. That I'm not the same I use to be and something in
me has really changed. Something was really stolen from me. As soon as
we arrived at the hospital I got off. Do you want me to come with you
honey? No mom its okay I'm fine. Has I went inside I didn't have to
make an appointment I was able to just walk in and have the check ups
done. When they finished the doctor told me that I will receive my
information in two days. Okay thank you doctor as I walked away. I
should be so happy that I was done with my entire test that all I had
to do was wait for my results to come in. For some reason I wasn't I
was heart broken all I was thinking about was daemon. I couldn't help
not thinking about him. Imaging him being with me comforting me being
happy for me. Of course! It's him he is my special man, the one I will
give my heart to. The one I would give all my love to. I couldn't
believe how blind I was he had feeling for me just as much I had
feeling for him. I had to still him before it was too late. I ran to
my parents car mom step on it I need another stop to make. Okay honey
where too. We arrived at his place before my mom could even stop the
car I got off and ran through the shutting doors and ran upstairs to
his apartment. I was so nervous my hands were shaking I didn't really
have an idea of what I was going to say to him I just new I was going
to tell him how I felt about him and how I wanted him to be the one I
would give my heart to. I knocked on his door but no one answered
maybe he's asleep I knocked harder
But still no answer. I don't even have his number how am I going to
get a hold of him? That's right I have Jared's number ill call him.
Hello Jared? Yes this is he may I ask whose this? Yea it's me Kim do
you know where daemons at? Huh yea he's with Chloe why? Oh, oh my gosh
he was with another women he really didn't love me. I knew it I was in
his way the whole time that's why he didn't give me his number he gave
me Jared's. Huh hello Kim you still there, hello. Oh hey, yea I'm here
I just wanted to tell him I got my check up done but its fine I bet
he's busy with other stuff. Oh okay well congrats Kim. Thanks. Hey can
I call you back I'm kind busy right now. Oh yea of course you can I
understand. Okay thanks take care okay Kim. Okay bye. I couldn't
believe it I'm so stupid to fall for him. He's probably lied to me
about not having a girlfriend just so he can get me to sleep with him.
That's why he had no facial expression he was disappointed I left
because I didn't give him the chance to. Augh! I can I be so stupid
ugh! What are you looking at what you haven't seen a girl mad before?
I'm so sorry I didn't mean that I'm just so hurt right now I'm sorry.
I walked down stairs crying as the people on his floor looked at me.
When I went to my parent's car my mom ran outside the car, what's
wrong honey? I just cried in her arms there, there let's take you
home. My dad hugged me and said everything's going to okay honey. This
made me cry even more. When we got home I went straight to my room and
cried my eyes out.
(Daemon) So I decided not to sit the whole day looking outside my
window but instead to talk to someone get my mind occupied. I called
my friend Jared to see what he was doing. Hey Jared what you doing? Oh
bro this is not a good time for me right now, uh I'm kind of busy with
Lola. Oh okay. Yea but maybe we can hang later yea? Uh I don't know
man I think I'm going to visit my little sis maybe next time okay? Yea
sure bro to be honest my hands are pretty tied up right now he laughed. Okay
bro see you later bye. I decided I was going to visit my sis after all
she is all the family I have left. I arrived at her place it was
actually quite usually you hear screaming and things breaking. Chloe
had two trouble making boys named Ben and Dylan. Ben was short for
Benjamin and a beautiful little angel named Cassy short for Cassandra.
Hello! Anybody home the door was unlocked. Cheese daemon if there is
no noise you make noise my sister said. My bad I was being cautious
for any unnecessary things I did not want to see or hear He laughed. For
your big info I wouldn't have left the door unlock if we were. Ewe
just stop, just stop. At least I don't go talking to my little sister
about a naked woman or invite a naked stranger to live at my place.
Okay! Gosh I was just playing chill. He laughed I was too, gosh someone can't take a joke. So where's everybody? Erick took them to his mom's house. So why are you here? Oh I've been
stressing a lot lately so Erick suggested for me to stay home and
chill. So what brings you here? Huh nothing can't I just visit you
without there being a reason. Well yea but not looking like that. Like
what? Like you just got your heart broken. No! Don't tell me it was
that girl umm what's her name again? Kim yea her I knew it you had
something special for that girl. What? What do you mean something
special how would you even know anything about that. Excuse me I am
married I have been there before. Oh yea. Yea so tell me what
happened? This feels so weird. What feels weird? Talking to you about
my problems you're my little sister. So little sister can give advice
too. Just don't see it like that see it has someone who has been
through the same thing you have willing to give you there best advise.
Haha you come with some things sometimes haha. Well come on. Okay,
okay so I told Chloe the whole story about Kim and me from when I
first set eyes on her. Chloe's faces reactions did change through out
the story it was so weird how she was able to make a face expression
for everything she felt. The bad thing was that I didn't know what
they meant except for one feeling. Chloe started crying when I told
her why Kim was crying at my place. At the end of my story I asked her
so what do you think. Well by the way you're describing Kim's
reactions and decisions I say that she's still scared. Scared of what?
She scared of getting hurt again. But I wont hurt her I told her I
wont I told her I was going to protect her. Well maybe she's scared
that you wont love her back since you did say she was upset she wont
be able to give enough to a man. She's scared she not enough for you
so to avoid loving you more and getting hurt she left. That's what I
think man. I'm just saying I'm a women and I know for a fact its all
about the feeling for a women. No woman wants to get hurt. Especially
the way she did I feel so much sorrow for her. She is so strong though
to have the strength to keep fighting. I admire that about her. She
really seems like at great person daemon. If I were you I would keep
fighting for her even if it takes months, years showing her you are
willing to fight for her love and her protection. Because the day you
do win her over your not just going to win over her love you are going
to win all of her. Wow I think that's the best advice I have ever
gotten from anyone. Aww thanks bro you know we should do this more
often. Okay you're pushing it now. What he laughed. Okay I am going to go now I am going to let you chill the rest that you have left of your day he laughed. He laughed its
fine I actually feel a lot more relaxed now he laughed. He laughed it must have
been that crying. I hugged my sis thanks sis. Aww your welcome I will
always be here for you. Say hi to Erick for me and the little ones.
Okay bye. Bye. Has I walked out to my car the first thing that came
to my mind was to talk to Kim? I missed her so much already and I know
how much I would miss if I didn't fight for her. I couldn't wait to
hear her voice so I called her on my way home. She didn't answer
though. That's right I remembered how she was the one left me. She
didn't feel the same way I felt for her but Chloe said that she did
have feeling she was just scared to show them to me. How about if
Chloe was wrong I would make a fool out of myself again if I went
after her and she would deny me again. I have to try though she's the
love of my life how can I just give up on her like that. I don't know
why I'm questioning her love for me I seen it in her eyes what she
felt for me. Every time I hugged her, her eyes would sparkle with
happiness. When I would walk in on her she would brighten up has if I
was her light she can go to when she was in the dark. I know for a
fact she has feeling for me just as much as I have feeling for her. I
called her again but no answer ugh I was really getting irritated. I
called her one more time and I heard a soft voice say hello. Kim is
everything okay I've been calling you but you didn't answer. Oh, yea I
was busy. Oh okay well Kim I want to tell you something can I pick you
up. What is it? It's nothing bad but we need to talk. I don't know.
Its going to be okay Kim were just going to talk. Oh okay then ill
wait for you at the park near my house. Okay that's fine.
(Kim) I told my parents I was going to sleep because my head hurt.
When I went to my room I locked the door and climbed out my window. I
arrived at the park and I was so sad I didn't know how I would react
seeing daemon again. I finally saw his car and I walked toward him. I
didn't bother to look at him I didn't want to show him I was hurt. He
opened the door for me as we drove off he was talking to me but I
tried avoiding him. Mostly because I knew I was going to break down in
tears if I responded. I only responded when I needed to and swallowed
my hurt throat.
(Daemon) I arrived at the park and I saw Kim she looked so sad and
lonely sitting down on the bench. I was about to get off when she
started walking toward my car I got off and opened the door for her.
She didn't light up like she usually did when she would see me I
didn't know why I had a worried feeling in my stomach. I closed her
door and went inside. She didn't even look at me once. I bet your
wondering where we going. She didn't answer me, where going to a
familiar place you've been there before. I thought you said you just
needed to tell me something. Yea I do and I am I just thought we
should go somewhere private to talk. Where going to my place I hope
you don't mind I thought going somewhere public can put you on the
spot. She didn't answer me again the whole way she was looking outside
the window I had no idea what was going on with her I just knew
something was very wrong. I pulled over to the side of an isolated
street. Why are we stopping I thought you said we were going to your
house. Yes I did say that but I can't help that there's something
bothering you Kim and I hate seeing you like that. What wrong
beautiful lady? She turned away from me and looked outside the window
then she looked down. Kim I grabbed her chin turning it towards me and
tears started falling down as I cleaned her tears with my numbs what's
wrong baby? She pulled away nothing I'm fine. Humph Kim last time I
checked tears don't show that. Come on my beautiful baby you can tell
me anything you want what wrong? I can't stand you being hurt. Listen
Kim what I want to tell you was that I want to be there for you. I
want to protect you I want to make you happy and feel safe in my arms.
I understand if you don't want to go fast. I am willing to wait as
long as you want me to wait as long as I am by your side.
(Kim) I couldn't believe he had the guts to tell me this Ugh I hate
him so much he made have feeling for him how dare him I had to tell
him something. Daemon I cant be with you I don't like you in that way.
I see you has a big brother helping me out and I am so thankful for
that. You deserve someone better than me besides. Is that what this is
all about you think your not good enough for me? Kim if anything I
feel that way about us. Kim do you remember what I told you in my
place I told you, you still have your heart to give away to that man
that would be lucky enough for you to honor him with. Remember that
Kim don't let that robber take everything away from you. You still
have a gift that any man would be willing to fight for I grabbed her
chin turning it towards me that gift is you my beautiful lady. I
started crying even more. I couldn't help having feelings for him he
was the one I wanted to give my gift to the one I would give all
myself to. I just couldn't he was playing me he has another girl I
can't have feeling for him. Baby what's wrong why are you still
crying? I want to go home daemon I cant be with you please take me
home. No Kim not until you tell me what's really stopping you from
being with me? Why can't you see how much I love you I know you feel
the same for me Kim. I just cant okay! I walked outside and slammed
the door shut. I got outside my car and walked toward why! Why Kim?
Jared told me okay! He told me you where with another woman. I know
you just want to hurt me. Why daemon, what did I ever do to you. She
started crying even more. What! That's impossible Kim I wouldn't
imagine hurting you or being with another women besides you. Kim you
have to believe me since I met you I haven't thought about another
women besides you your always on my mind baby. To be honest you were
driving me insane I walked toward her I picked up her chin baby my
feelings were all over the place with you. I had never felt this way
about any women in my life. She looked up at me and hugged me tight.
At that moment I heard angels singing I grabbed her and held her tight
against my chest. I love you so much daemon y. Wait what did you say I
didn't hear you. I said I love you so much daemon. He laughed I heard you
the first time I just wanted to hear it again. I still don't
understand why Jared would say that he knows how I feel about you and
he knows I would never be with someone else. (Kim) Daemon today I went
to your place after I went to the doctors. I realized that you were
the only one who made me happy the only one who made me feel like I
didn't loose anything. Like I was the same person still. I started
crying I want to give all my heart and love to you daemon. He looked
at me with a smile and kissed me I would be honored to receive you
heart and love my beautiful lady. As soon as I realized it I went down
to your apartment but I got there and I didn't have your number so I
called Jared. That's when he told me you where with Chloe. Chloe! Oh!
he laughed. What I Said? Chloe's my sister I'm sorry my love I didn't tell you
about her. No. Oh I thought I did when I gave you the clothes. She's
my sister she let me have clothes for you. Oh well that's nice you
have to introduce me to her to thank her. Don't you worry about that
my beautiful lady you'll have all your life to do that. He grabbed me
and walked me to his car. Come on beautiful lady a lady like you
shouldn't be out here in the cold. (Daemon) once we were in the car I
looked at Kim for a good minute. She saw me looking at her what she
said looking at me embraced. Nothing its just that the thought of you
being all mine gives me a rush. She laughed okay Casanova you got me
you don't have to keep kissing up. Oh but darling but that's exactly
what you are going to be receiving from me for the rest of your life.
I gave her a smirk and drove off, so to my place I kind of had a
dinner planned. Well I guess if I must after all we cant let that food
go to waist. I shook my head you're a bad girl. As we arrived at my
place I got off fast to open her door my beautiful lady and there was
that beautiful smile I love so much. I walked her inside I let up my
candles I had set up. I lead her to my center table designed for a
special event. Since I didn't have planned to take a little longer to
get here may I ask you to wait here while I heat up the food. (Kim) of
course you can my Casanova. As I sat there I saw how well he had
decorated his place. He had three small candles on our table and
candles on top of chimney were he kept bubble heads of San Francisco
giants. He had the light deemed and the curtain were wide open letting
me see the whole view of the city it was so beautiful and the lights
made it more beautiful. I remember this table not being here though
last time I checked it was by the sofas and now it was located by the
window. Wow he really new how to set the mood. As I admired the city
the arouse of food came to my nose. Oh man it smelled so good my
stomach stared growling. Here we are, he served me a plate with diced
steak with the side of diced potatoes and green peas with mushrooms it
smelled so good. Wow daemon you did this all by you self? Yes I did, I
hope you enjoy it. As he sat down he poured applesider in two glass
cups. He turn to look at me with a smile as he handed it to me, shall
we eat. Yes we should I'm starve. How did you learn how to cook? I
took a cooking class in junior school. You possible couldn't learn how
to cook this from an elective class. He laughed no I learned the basics in
that class. The rest I learned by myself with my mom passing away
someone had to cook for my sister. Oh my I'm so sorry daemon. Its not
your fault Kim. How old were you? I was fourteen when she passed away.
She was always working late to support us. She was driving home when a
drunk driver hit ran. The good thing was that she died instantly. Wow
I couldn't imagine what you and your sister went through. Yea so we
had stay with our aunt she was never home she was a druggy. So I
raised Chloe I was the dad she never had. We never met him my mom told
us she left him way before she knew she was pregnant. She told us he
was a bi*ch with b*lls. He laid around the house drinking and played
with other women in her house while she went out and worked her butt
off. She told us the only good thing that came out of him was us we
were her miracle. Chloe and I never thought about the man not even
curiosity will cross us. My mom was everything to us maybe even a dad.
She always told my sister not to be with any man tell she knew exactly
who he was. What did she tell you? Never take advantage of a women and
I was born as a man so to be one when I grow up. I never understood it
tell I hit twelve. Until now I have been working like a man I think
even more then most and never took advantage of a women. Wow you
really have been through a lot. Yea, I guess I have I never thought
about it tell now. I think my sister had it worst then me. She didn't
have a "female" idol to look up to or ask questions to or have fun
with. It was hard on her. I don't think it was knowing you, you would
be that person she needed. He gave me a sweet smile yea but its
different between a brother and sister. You weren't a brother remember
you were a dad. A dad does everything for there daughters that means
to have a tea with the princess. To cooking her a meal and buying her
needs. He laughed yea I guess your right. (daemon) So what about you talk to
me? Well my parents have been together for 20 years now. They had
three kids I'm the oldest. I have a brother named Cameron and a sister
named Olivia. There both twins there both 11 years old. Were 10 years
apart exact. Wow that must be nice. What's nice? It must be nice to
have a family. Sometimes there's always advantages and disadvantages
of having things. Tell me what can be the disadvantages of having a
family. Problems there's always problems whether there yours or not.
Whether you asked for it or not. No matter how hard you try to avoid
problems they still come at you. Even if you do things to impress
someone its not good enough. People are never satisfied if you pay
attention. People say they wish it rained then when it rains they wish
it didn't. oh that's right I do hear that so tell me the advantages
now. Okay well family is always there no matter what. No matter if
they hate you or love you there always there when you need them or
when you least need them. Yes there's bad times but there's good times
too. That's what families are all about being there for each there
when ever we need each other. I sat there listening to her give me her
opinion about disadvantages and advantages in families it was making
me excited the thought of being a part of her family. Listening to
her made me realize I had a family to made it wasn't as big as hers
but it was my family which was my sister she was the only family I
had. Nobody else ever came to help me and my sister when our mom
passed nether did they came to see us the weren't considered family.
Wow, yea that's how me and Chloe are to each other. Since it was just
us two we would be there for each other no matter what. If we were to
be mad at each other it wouldn't last. Sooner or later we had to talk
because it was just us two. So I guess that's what kept us close or
else we would probably be distance like other brothers and sisters I
heard about. (Kim) Yea that's a good thing though that you guys are
close. Yea it is, she's all the family I got left, except for you,
you're my family now. Yea so you don't have to worry about not having
a family. I got up thank you so much for the food daemon it was very
delicious and thank you for the applesider. Your welcome my love I
glad you enjoyed it. I did, well daemon its getting pretty late can
you take me home. Why, you have a curfew I laughed. No I, I kind of sneaked
out. You did what, he got up from the table fast, why did you sneak
out? I didn't want my parents worrying about me going out with a guy.
Oh I see, what daemon? Nothing its just I'm not just any guy you know.
As he was talking to me he started walking away toward the window. I'm
the guy that let you stay here and took care of you while you had no
where else to go. Your right i'm sorry daemon I didn't see it like
that at the moment. Its fine, look daemon i'm sorry its just that I
was mad at you and I thought you were a different guy. I know now
though that you are the guy I thought you were the whole time. you are
the same guy before I thought you were with another women. I felt so
bad the whole time I was talking to him he was looking outside the
window I didn't know what was going through his mind. All I knew was
that I wasn't going to leave him like this again without explaining
myself. You are a very strong, nice, trusting, romantic man. That I
trust and love I promise daemon I don't mean to hurt you. I really
didn't want to lose him I really cared about him and I wanted him to
know that. He looked up at me and started to walk towards me. He
grabbed my chin and kissed me. Its okay my love I trust you. He pulled
me in to his chest and hugged me tight. It felt so good I didn't want
him to let go of me he smelled so good like the colon I smelled on his
bed which made it worst. Come on beautiful lets take you home before I
cant tame myself any longer.
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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2016 ⏰

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