"What are you," I weakly ask.

"I am everything, and nothing. I am your glee, and your sorrow. I am your easiest hello and your hardest goodbye."

"Sorry, you'll have to use vocabulary from this century," I mutter. Morgan, what are you thinking? He has a knife, he could kill you!

He chuckles. "You just never learn, huh?"

He throws me onto the floor, my chin hitting the tiles. I try to get to my feet, but I'm so scared I end up back on the floor every time.

"Where do you think you're going?"

He grabs my foot, and I let out the loudest scream I've ever screamed in my life. I squeeze my eyes closed and try as hard as I can to get away from him.

I break free, and practically jump right into someone. I'm still screaming.

"Shhhhh, Morgan, it's me. It's Alex."

I snap my head and look behind me. No one's there. It doesn't even look like anyone had ever been there.

I hug Alex as tight as I possibly can. He continues to console me.

I feel his hand brush against the back of my head.

"Morgan, you're bleeding."

"I know."

"Here," he pushes me away. I see him lift off his shirt.

He ripped his into pieces in the vents. Where did he get that one? "Where did you get that shirt?" I ask.

"From one of the rooms," he states.

Duh, Morgan. Relax, you're getting paranoid, my conscious advises me.

He ties the shirt around my wound. I flinch when he tightens it. I guess it's deeper than I thought.

"I want to go home, Alex."

"Me too," he says when he finishes tying the makeshift bandage around my wound.

We both sit down against the wall. I lean my head against his shoulder. He places his arm around mine.

"I'm sorry," he says.

You were obviously thinking reasonably when you called up your friend to drive you into a tree.

"How do you know that?" I question.

He didn't answer for a while.

"Well," he finally begins. "Remember that one night, with Freddy and Hannah and me and everyone else, when you claimed you saw someone in your dreams?" he asks.

"You know, we're worried about you. Out of all the people we've met here, you are definitely... I don't know... the... the most distraught, I guess. We want to know what's wrong, so we can help you. Will you tell us what's happening?"


"When I came in, you were shouting. You were frantic. 'Stop the car!' 'Watch out!' And all sorts of other things. You pretty much told the whole story. I didn't tell you because I didn't want to scare you," he said, looking deep into my eyes.

Which would explain why they were so worried about me.

"That makes sense, but you could've told me."

"I know. You just seemed scared enough, I didn't want to make it worse."

I don't answer.

After a few minutes, he starts talking again.

"I wonder how old Brandon is. Nine, ten? Nine, at least."

I thought he was only two when you left?

"And Erin, God, she must be in high school now. She might have even graduated," he continues.

She was only eight!

He looks down at me. He kisses the top of my head.

"Don't worry. I'll get you home. I promise."


Wow twice in one week, im on a roll


I went through my story and made a few changes, so if you want to, you can re-read them. They dont DRASTICALLY change the story, but they do change it a bit.

Not a whole lot though.

WHAT IM TRYING TO SAY IS you can still understand the story if you dont go back and read them.

HUUUUH there.


WOOHOOO VIRTUAL PARTY 🍝🍶🍙🍜🙌🙎🙅👪👫💂👷💏👧👬👷💑👫👬👫👬💑🍶🍆🍋🍅 YAYAYA

Go read it, its called Evolution and its hella good

Aight ima leave now baiii

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