I picked up the folder from the other side of the table and slid it into my bag before making my way out and down the hall to the elevator.

The doors slid open I looked up to come face to face with Junior. I quickly turned and walked away from him, heading to the stairs.

Pushing the door open I began the trek down the two flights, "Mina wait,"

I kept moving down the stairs, but was stopped by Junior stepping in front of me, "Mina let me explain,"

My eyes stayed glued to my shoes as I stood a step above him, his fingers trying to tilt my gaze to his, but my eyes stayed down.

He let out a sigh, "It's not what you think-,"

"Just stop," I said, my voice shaking, "Every excuse starts with those five words, so don't you dare use them on me,"

I wiped underneath my eyes and looked up at him, "I needed you last night, and I go over to find you with her, in your clothes, in your room,"

He went to object and I walked past him, "I don't want to hear your excuses,"

"Mina," He grabbed my wrist and yanked me towards him, causing tears to form in my eyes and I pulled my wrist away from him, my body beginning to shake.

Junior watched me as I backed myself against the stair well wall, my hands covering my face as I cried. The whole scene feeling like deja vu, my heart racing as if Junior was replaced by Lee Jun.

He couldn't keep away and moved closer to me, gently wrapping his arms around me as I cried. Not trying to get too close as I was still shaking.

"Talk to me please," he begged, his hands slowly beginning to move around my back in a steady motion.

I choked out another sob and mumbled against his chest, "My ex is back, he knows I'm here. He has that same look in his eye since the day I left, i'm just scared Junior,"

He hugged me closer and I felt my fear fall away from me as I moved my arms to wrap around him as well. He placed a soft kiss on my forehead, "Did he hurt you?"

I nuzzled my head into his chest and nodded. He sighed and pressed another kiss to your forehead, "i'm so sorry that happened to you baby girl,"

I sighed and he continued, "That girl you saw, she was my ex. I was walking home from practice and her boyfriend was yelling at her, about to do God knows what to her,"

My eyes moved up to meet his as he chewed on his bottom lip, "I just couldn't leave her there, so I brought her back to the dorm. Nothing happened, I swear, Mina please believe me, i stayed over in Marks room,"

His eyes were so sincere I couldn't help but believe him, "I'm sorry I yelled at you, i was just upset from last night,"

He nodded and pressed another kiss to my forehead, pulling back before glancing at his watch, "Let's go get lunch, relax a bit,"

I nodded as he laced his fingers between mine, leading me out of the stairwell and out of the building. Down to a small restaurant across from JYP.

Once we got inside I ordered a chicken and ramen lunch box and Junior ordered some meat to grill at the table. We took our seats and I set my bag next to me, sipping on the drink Junior had bought me.

FlyOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz