Chapter 5: Guardian of the Island of Snow

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Should I ask them if they heard anything? Nah, they should've reacted or something or maybe I'm just tired.

I went to bed, did my best to ignore my talkative mind and went to sleep.


"These clothes are so comfy!" Happy smiled, poking his clothes. Shiko gave all of them some clothing to protect them from the very cold weather.

"Minna, let's play hide and seek!" Luffy cheered.

"Eh? But aren't we too many?" Franky scratched his head. "It'll take time for use to find each other in this big island"

"How about go by pairs?" Natsu spoke. "I'll team up with my pal Luffy"

 "Agreed "Luffy gestured to Natsu.

So the partners/pairs were:

Luffy & Natsu

Zoro & Wendy

Sanji & Erza

Usopp & Lucy

Chopper & Nami

Robin & Franky 

Brook, Gray & Juvia

"Yosh! Let's start! Luffy smiled as he and Natsu closed their eyes and started the countdown.

~Wendy and Zoro~

"Ne, Zoro-kun, where are you planning to go?" Wendy asked.

"I still don't have any idea..." Zoro admitted. "How about there?" He pointed to the foot of the island's snowy mountain.

"Okay..." Wendy followed as she and Zoro hid inside a small cave.

"I wonder if someone ever used this place" Wendy spoke her thought.


"Zoro-kun did you just say something?" Wendy asked.

"Huh? Nope" Zoro watched the surroundings. "Anyway, they should be finished with the countdown..." he narrowed his eyes and darted his attention to Wendy who was found with encircling snow around her.

"Oi, stop using your strength" Zoro told her.

"You're wrong" Wendy replied. "I didn't conjure this..."

"I'll be taking Aria-chan back" the same voice Wendy heard echoed in the cave.

"Wendy!" Zoro dashed forward but Wendy disappeared as snowflakes fell down in her place. "Tsk, where did she go?"

He stood there trapped in confusion and anxiety. "I don't know who owns that voice and who the hell is Aria?"

"We found you at last!!!" Natsu's voice entered the cave.

"Eh? Where's Wendy?" Luffy asked.

"Wendy's missing?" Lucy heard them talking.

"Nani?!" Nami entered the cave. "Oi, Zoro you were with her... What happened?"

~Back at the Diner~

"Someone said Aria?" Shiko asked.

"Do you know who this Aria is Ms. Shiko?" Brook asked.

"She's a princess of this island" a man answered.

"I thought the royal family was dead" Franky said.

"What Shiro here is trying to point out is that Aria was the young princess who drowned" Shiko replied. "But your friend Wendy resembles the princess when she died"

"Then since everyone knows about that, why did someone kidnap Wendy when they know that Aria died already?" Erza asked.

"Reincarnation..." Juvia voiced her thoughts.

"Reincarnation?" Robin repeated.

"Maybe that someone thought Aria-chan came back in her second life and that second life..." Juvia paused.

" Wendy" Gray continued.

~Still in the same Island~

Wendy's POV

I slowly opened my eyes and adjusted the light that entered.

"Where am I?" it was the first thing I said.

"Hello there" a voice pierced through the air.

Wendy sat up and looked around. "Who are you?"

The person just smiled. "You're still like before Aria-chan"


I'm deeply sorry for not updating this story. I keep losing Chapter 5 when the computer crashes down. Thanks for reading anyway. I'll update this us soon as I can. Ja~ Tomorrow's our closing party :D

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