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(Hey hey this is BROOKIE OF THE COOKIE! Here! And before you read this please know Pokemon does not belong to me BUT characters Blaire Kaleb Allison Ian Brent Elaine do belong to me BUT characters Ash Ketchum and Serena Yvonne do not belong to me The region Uganté belongs to me and all fan made pokemon from the Uganté region also belong to me also other characters all except ones from different regions please keep this in mind and if you wanna use any of my characters you MUST ask for permission thank you and enjoy!)

She grabbed her arrow pointing it at the target her brown hair gracefully flew behind her her eye met the target she breathed deeply. Then she let her fingers lose the arrow and she watched as it flew towards the target. She closed her eyes and then heard it hit. She celebrated knowing she hit it in the middle she jumped up And down her long sleeve sweater and purple skirt bouncing with her. "That'll show ya!" she exclaimed pointing at the target. But her celebrating was cut short as she heard her phone ringing she picked it up with one hand while twirling her arrow with the other she smiled "hello?" there was a muffled voice but she heard everything she dropped the phone and herself and
lied unconscious on the floor hoping to join her parents in eternal sleep.
A boy about her age walked out of the door of his house his mother and father were fighting as usual "Bye!" he shouted to his parents but it was all for none they never heard him anyway except for his mom she walked up to him kissing his brownish black hair "goodbye my sweet Kaleb!" she smiled warmly she wore a brown jacket with a white shirt and a black skirt her eyes gleamed at his "I am so sorry we are fighting." she said brushing her long black hair. "We love you have fun at the skate park watch out for pokemon are you bringing litleo?" he nodded holding up a poke ball. She saw all she needed too and went inside closing the door. Kaleb walked around the corner picked up a blue backpack "goodbye forever." he said then he hopped on his skateboard and skated away.
He was wrestling with his brother pinning him to the ground playfully. "Ian!" the one on the ground shouted. "SHUT UP!" their mom screamed ever since their fathers death she had not felt the same. The two heard a knock at the door "ILL GET IT!" they shouted. "BRENT YOU ALWAYS GET IT MY TURN!" Ian yelled "fine..." Ian opened the door to Kaleb "hey man!" he smiled but it soon depleted. "Its time?" Brent said. Kaleb nodded "Ok wait here dude." they said they met upstairs grabbing their backpacks quietly. They said "goodbye mother!" she told them once more to shut up but little did that mom know it would be the last time she saw her babies.
"Let go of me!" the dirty blonde haired girl shouted pushing away her mother. "B'S ARE NOT ACCEPTABLE!" her mom shouted hitting her hard with a belt tears filled the young ones eyes. "STOP I TRIED!" she yelled pulling away she grabbed her backpack sprinting out the door. She found her friends "IAN!" she cried running towards the boy toppling him over she cried into his chest. He wrapped his arms protectively around her "calm down It's OK Elaine." he whispered.
This girl had strawberry blonde hair she sat at a bridge throwing rocks into the water she wanted to die at that point her mother had died and her father hated her so much she climbed on the bridge and spread out her arms letting the wind take control of her hair. She was about to jump when something grabbed her by her stomach. "Let go!" she cried "hush its only me your safe..." Brent said to her pulling her close. Elaine kissed Ian on the cheek as did Allison to Brent. "Can we come with you?" they asked. The boys nodded and Kaleb stayed silent when will i find love?

Thats all Blaire could see.

Kaleb and the others walked to the edge of town but Kaleb stopped he saw a girl in the archery room she lied on the floor helpless he ran inside instantly. He picked her up lightly brushing his fingers on her cheek. "She needs help!" he yelled. The others rushed in Kaleb picked her up bridal style and ran her to the hospital.
A lady walked down the sidewalk she had skyblue hair pulled into a bun a Black H was seen on her coat she picked up her phone "that weak one?" she said "what could she POSSIBLY do?" she asked a man smiled "more than you think Allura..." she smiled "Sir."

A boy stepped out of a plane he had black spiky hair and a blue jacket he wore a red cap. He had his arm around a girl with honey blonde hair the hand was gently placed on her waist the two looked at each other then nodded. They shouted loudly "HEY UGANTÉ ASH AND SERENA ARE FINALLY HERE!"

-to be continued-

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