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The big group was having a blast at the old pub.

Words were being slurred, drinks were spilling and a few were sloppily kissing in a corner.

Cameron was on on his 6th beer, laughing and making great conversation with Avie.

Avie had stopped at number 4, not wanting to get wasted in front of Cameron. She wanted to make a good impression.

"Hey you two! Come on, we're gonna go back down to the venue!" Ben shouted at the two, interrupting their conversations. Cameron glared at Ben.

Avie thought about it for a second before realising she had plans tomorrow and couldn't stay out too late. It was already 11 pm.

"I would love to but I gotta get home, sorry" Avie apologised standing up. She wobbled a little bit, still slightly tipsy.

Ben said it was alright and Cameron took this chance to speak with Avie alone.

"Can I walk you home?" Cameron asked with hopeful eyes. She of course agreed and the two stumbled out the pub.

They walked in silence. Not awkward just comfortable. That was until Cameron blurted out something he regrets.

"I think you have nice boobs"


I'm thinking of making a covers book....yeah or nah?

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