Chapter 7

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jerome: baby ?

jasmine: yeah ?

jerome: Lets run away together

Those words echoed in my head over and over again .


jasmine: run away together ?

I ask sitting up , facing towards him , and look into his eyes .

jerome: yeah baby just me and you , together , in a different state just being with eachother and one day we can start a family together and be with our kids because if anyone has my kids i want it to be you

jasmine: *smiles* really ?

jerome: yeah … i mean , why not *slightly smiles* we love eachother

jasmine: *slightly smiles*

I lay my head on Jeromes shoulder as he plays with my fingers .

jasmine: where are we gunna go ?

jerome: mmm what about florida ?

jasmine: *smiles* yes , lets go to miami !

jerome: what ever you want babe

jasmine: wait , what about money ?

jerome: i got it dont worry jas , just get all your shit packed and bring all your importanant things because once we leave theres no turning back

jasmine: *smiles* when should we leave ?

jerome: two days , gives us time to pack and get everything together

jasmine: how long does it take to get there ?

jerome: its about a day and 15 hours

jasmine: *nods*

It gets quiet for a while .

jasmine: im not telling my dad , ill just leave him a note telling him how i feel *sighs* hopefully he wont come looking for me

jerome: everything will be fine dont worry baby


2 Days Later …

I put my last bag which is my 7th bag in Jeromes trunk . He comes out of my ex front door and kisses me .

jerome: i cant wait to get on the road with you

jasmine: me too *smiles*

Jerome goes to the car which is his white 4 seater mustang . I was shocked to see that me and his bags could fit in the trunk and back seat . I walk inside and tape my note on the kitchen counter .

I get in the car as we start to drive off on our almost two day drive .

The Note:

Dear Daddy,

    Honestly I dont want to say much because It seems as if you will never understand me . You cant even tell me the truth about anything for crying out loud ! I asked you about mom when I was younger and you never told me the truth till this day . I had to find out the truth from a guy I met not so long ago . A guy I have fallen in love with . I hope you can understand that Im happy with him and he treats me right and will take good care of me . It doesnt matter where Im going , just know that Im safe with Jerome and you will see me again one day . Please dont come looking for me , I beg of you daddy … please dont .


                               Your Princess

I wake up in the car with it parked at a gas station . I sit up and see that its dark outside . I look at the clock and it reads '1:36a.m' . I grab my phone and see text messages from a few of my friends but i choose to ignore them and wait to explain everything to them once everything settles down .

Suddenly the driver seat doors opens and Jerome gets in the car and sits a bag down in the middle of our seats .

jerome: i thought youd never wake up sleepy head

jasmine: yeah i dont even remember going to sleep *chuckles*

jerome: wow . did your pops try to call you ?

jasmine: surprisngly no just some friends but they dont know about me leaving and all

jerome: *nods* well i bought you all your favorites

I look in the bag and ALL my favorites were in it .

jasmine: thanks baby

I kiss him and start to munch on my food as we continue on the road to miami , florida .


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