New Promise

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~Max's POV~

I watch my brother grip my hand as I wipe his tears away. I have never seen him cry before, except after the accident. "I'm right here now Mike.." My voice isn't my own. "I wont leave you alone-" I cup his face with my hands that are working on their own. "Anymore... I promise." He looks up at me and I see a different person. A person in a white kimono, but with the same face as my brother. 'Yae...' I hear that name again! Who is saying that name? I look at him again and see my brother, I smile. "Shall we get out of here?" I ask my voice soft as I squeeze my brother's hand.

~Mike's POV~

After we leave the manor I sensed something was about to happen. Max never left go of my hand after he made his promise. He kept smiling at me making sure I wasn't crying or upset anymore. I grip the flashlight in my right hand as we walk across the bridge towards the gate. Before I knew it I heard that voice again.. The voice of that woman calling for help. I quickly turn around to be met with her in my face. I cry out in pain and fear as she grabs me. It hurt! It hurt horribly! My brother.. I want, no I need to protect him! However.. I feel a darkness coming from him as I cried out. The woman disappeared leaving us alone. I was on the ground holding my face in pain as my brother crouched down to the ground gripping my shoulder. "Mike? Mike, are you alright?" I hear his voice, but its different somehow.. I look up at him and nod. "Its just a bruise Max, nothing more." I say, but the pain keeps going and worsening. Tears slide down my pale cheeks as my brother holds me close to him. Soon enough the pain makes me slip into unconsciousness.

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