01|The smile didn't reach his eyes

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❝The farther backward you can look, the farther forward you will see.❞

-Winston Churchill


Peggy sat in a random, empty compartment, waiting her friend to show up. That friend was Lily Evans. Peggy almost screamed in sheer frustration when she looked at her muggle watch and saw that Lily was almost ten minutes late.

She huffed in annoyance and stared out the small train window, rethinking all her life choices.

Suddenly she heard the compartment door slide open, rather loudly, making her jump. Her head whipped around and stared at the door. She felt her heart beating a mile per minute. She placed a hand over her beating heart, trying in her best power to calm it.

When she saw who was at the door, she nearly growled in annoyance.

"Took you long enough! I've been bloody waiting for forever!" She almost shouted at her redheaded friend. Peggy's outburst made Lily giggle as she stepped inside the compartment and closed the door behind her.

"I'm sorry Peggy, I would've been here sooner, but I ran into Potter and his idiotic gang. I called him a toerag and came straight here."

Lily dropped in her spot across from Peggy and crossed her arms. As much as Peggy loved to see Lily as riled up as she was, she still cared for the redheads well-being, and she doubted this much anger is good for her mind and soul.

Peggy has known Lily since first year, and being in the same house helped. After knowing her for so long she can describe Lily in only two words: Feisty Redhead. Everyday Lily proves that the description she gave her, is an extremely accurate one.

They spent the whole train ride talking about their summer. Lily had her usual summer, Petunia ignoring her and hating her because Lily got an acceptance letter while she didn't. Then Lily mentioned that she also spent most of her summer with her closest neighborhood friend. But sadly he was sorted into a different house. Their enemy house. Slytherin.

When Peggy found out that he would be sorted into Slytherin, away from Lily, she was kinda sad. But then again, Severus wanted to be in Slytherin, so they tried not to mind too much. But they still remained friends. Even though he started evading them. Spending less time with them, and more with his housemates.

Peggy's summer was pretty simple. She spent it with her parents, she went to the beach with her friends, and she barely went home. Mostly she spent it exploring the woods being her house. Her father told her plenty of times not to explore them, but she didn't listen to him like she usually would.

When they noticed that they were close to Hogwarts, they locked the compartment door and went through their bags. They found their robes and uniforms and changed into them.

When the were dressed, they ran to the window and pressed their faces against the glass, staring as the magnificent castle came into view. They felt themselves grow giddy as they were getting closer and ever so closer. To them, it was like first year all over again.

To Peggy and Lily, it felt like forever when the train finally stopped. Peggy was the first to get her bags and make her way off the train. She heard Lily not to far behind her. When Peggy saw the horror on the first years' faces, she wanted to laugh. She ran over to Hagrid and hugged the half-giant. She felt him gently hug her back.

"'t's good t' h've yer back." He told her, making a smile spread across her face.

"It's good to be back, Hagrid." She responded.

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