Contest 3: How To Tell A Rumor |CLOSED|

160 12 14

This one is a little tricky, but considering how well you did last contest, I'm positive you will be able to take advantage of this!

Title: How To Tell A Rumor

Genere: Teen Fiction (but no love scenes) /Spiritual (and Spiritual doesn't mean it has to have a muslim on it)

Subtitle: None.

-must have a teenage girl with brown/black hair

-must have your username on it

-the other username will be Beautiful_Monkey15, NOT Fierymountain5


This book will be released on Wattpad either this year or the next, so please make this as professional as you can. The author hopes to use one of the covers that you have designed!

Summary (probably incredibly important to read if you're going to design a cover):

Once upon a time, Paris Delevine was a beautiful girl--she had everything. Popularity, a perfect boyfriend, she was model-beautiful and the Queen Bee of her high school. Money was like air to her; she had an infinite supply right at her fingertips. Already her business of an actress was booming; top movies were begging for her to be the star of every production they made. Her life, already at 17 years old, is big and beautiful, starring her.

And then came the accident.

Now everything is lost to her. The movie directors turn away, finding someone else to take her place. Her parents can't trust her with any money, and things between them get awkward. Her "perfect" boyfriend breaks up with her. Paris is not beautiful any more, she can't even trust herself to hold a spoon.

And as Paris goes on a journey or hope, desperation, trial and error, she finds the true meaning of what it is to live.

I'm really excited to see what you guys come up with! Hope you have fun while making the cover!

Due Date: May 24th, 11:59 Eastern Time Zone

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