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I wake up, startled from the blaring sound of my alarm coming from my phone. My eyes search around the room as I groan at the thought of school.

I reach over to my nightstand, where my phone is laying, rapidly touching the screen to press snooze.

The annoying tune keeps blaring, so I turn over and grab my phone. I look at the screen that reads:

6:05 a.m.
'wake up you lil bitch'

I groan, pressing snooze and strip off the blankets that were keeping my cold body warm. I jog down the soft carpeted stairs to be greeted with the aroma of eggs and bacon. I inhale the warm smell and sit down at the counter.

"Good morning sleepy head,"  My mom says with a slight chuckle, placing eggs and bacon on a plate. "Good morning mom," I mumble, rubbing my eyes.

"Are you ready for first day?" My mom asks, as I'm taking a bite from my food. I simply shake my head back and forth, saying no. "I really don't want to go," I plead. "I don't want to be known as the 'new kid'," I say, exaggerating the 'new kid' part.

"Don't think of it that way," My mom states, "It will be fun sweetie, trust me. And who knows, you'll meet some amazing friends, and maybe even a boyfriend." My mom says with smirk on her face.

"Oh my god mom, shut up!" I say, slightly nudging her.

"Hey, you never know!" She shouts, as I'm running up the stairs.

I lean over the railing laughing, "Stop mom, you're embarrassing me!"

My mom is always bothering me about not having a boyfriend and it's getting really annoying. She always has to mention it at a family reunion or something. Sometimes I just want to strangle that woman.

I quickly walk into the bathroom, slamming the door shut. I decided that I had enough time to shower, since it's my first day. Plus I want to look presentable, and not like an ogre.


I was done with getting dressed (outfit above) and curling my hair. Now it's time for makeup. I curl my eyelashes, add a coat of mascara, apply some blush, fill in my brows, and put on some chapstick. I look back in the mirror, pleased with my appearance.

I grab my bag, slipping it over my shoulder, jogging down the stairs.

"Morning sweetie," My dad says, tossing me car keys.

"Am I driving Blake's car to school?" I ask with confusion as I look down at my hands.

My mom closes the refrigerator doors and looks at me and says, "No silly. Go look outside."

I race out to the driveway, with my parents behind me, to see my dream car parked outside with a red bow on top. (basic i know)

I think I just shit my pants.

I run over to the car, opening the door. I get in and start up the car, revving the engine. This is everything I imagined. Being in my new all black Jeep.

"I know that you probably don't want to ride in your brothers car forever, so your dad and I decided it was time you finally got a car of your own." My mom says with a soft smile.

"Oh my gosh!" I squeal. "Thank you guys so much!"

I start backing out of my driveway, seeing my brother run up to my car.

Ahh. That feels so good to say 'my car'.

"Blair! Blair! Will you please give a ride!" My brother pleads.

"No you fuckwad, drive your own car to school." I state.

"Fuck you Blair" He says, slapping the hood of my car.

I simply smile at him and stick my middle finger up towards him as I speed down my neighborhood.


I pull up to the school parking lot, receiving lots of stares. I raise my sunglasses up to the top of my head, turn off my car, and get out. I hear a couple of whistles, causing me to roll my eyes.

I see my brother pull up in his red Corvette, parking next to me, receiving even more stares.

Damn, do these people know how to do anything more than just stare?

"I hate you Blair," My brother says.

" I love you too, Blake," I say making kissy faces.

"Stop with the dumb faces and let's go." He says.

I take a deep breath as we approach the front steps leading to the massive school.

Here we go.


sorry if this was long and boring.
but I hope you somewhat enjoyed it lol.
stayed tuned for more chapters/updates.

- Kaci

{published May 15, 2016}
*edited June 19, 2016*

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