Chapter 2

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12 years old

"Morning Mrs Biersack,is Andy here?" I asked the blonde haired woman "yes he is just go straight up dear" she said opening the door fully "thank you" I said and i ran upstairs to his room.

I knocked on the door and "come in" a deep voice said and I opened the door, I had just came back from gymnastics and I was wearing my gymnast clothes.

They consisted of a grey polo shirt with the logo on the front and the name of the studio on the back and black leggings which were accompanied by my black converse.

I had my Led Zeppelin shoulder bag with me and my Black Sabbath hoodie that was draped over my bag and my hair was tied up in a ponytail with my fringe and bangs hanging down.

When I stepped into his room I seen another boy there who had long black hair and light brown eyes, "oh sorry I didn't know you had company" I said standing in the doorway.

"I can go if you want me too" I said but Andy stopped me "no it's fine you can stay, this is Jake" he said motioning to the boy sitting on the bean bag.

"Hi I'm May" I said waving at the bit as he smiled showing pearly white teeth "I'm Jake as Andy said its nice to meet you" he said as I plopped down on one the other bean bag.

"It's nice to meet you too" I said and he smiled once more "Jakes interested in starting a band too, were still starting a band when were older" Andy said and I nodded.

"What so you want to be when your older May?" Jake asked looking at me through his long black hair "I don't know really, I hope that I can be a gymnast" I said and he nodded.

"Interesting" he said and he glanced at my bag and seen my Black Sabbath hoodie "hey you like Black Sabbath?" He asked and I nodded.

"Yeah May is a massive fan of Black Sabbath" Andy said spinning around in his computer chair "me too" Jake replied and I smiled back at him.

I guess he was kinda cute but he wasn't really my type "so what are you guys doing now?" I asked "Sitting in a room" Andy said stating the obvious.

"Shut up Biersack" I said and he laughed "hey do you wanna go out and grab some ice cream and maybe head to the park?" Jake asked and i nodded and we them looked at Andy.

"Sure why not"


"So who's the oldest out of you two then?" I asked kicking my legs up in the air to make the swing go higher, "I am by a few months" Jake said.

"Mays the youngest" Andy said "aww so I guess your the little kid of the group May" Jake said teasingly.

"Shut up Jake" I said and we all laughed, we had finished our ice creams a few minutes ago and were just hanging out in the park.

It started to get a bit cold so I pulled my hoodie closer to my body, my bag was next to the swing so I could keep an eye on it at all times.

"So what other bands do you like May?" Jake asked "Mötley Crüe, Iron Maiden, AC DC basically old bands like that" I said and he nodded.

"My dad is the person who got me into these bands" I said "same with my dad" Jake replied, "hey!" Andy shouted and we both looked at him.

"What's up?" Jake asked "something hit me in the head" he said and soon enough it had started to rain, heavily.

We ran under the nearest tree that had thick branches which sheltered us from the rain, I had grabbed my bag and put it at the base of the tree.

"Why did it have to rain when we were having such a great time?" Jake asked and I shrugged "I don't know" I replied "well at least we had a great day" Andy said and I nodded in agreement.

"We should do this more often" Jake said "yeah, that would be great" Andy said and they looked at me "yeah sure" I said squeezing the water out of my hair.

I took my hair down and shook it free and got most of the water out before brushing my hair and putting it into a plait than hung down my back.

"How long is your hair May?" Jake asked looking astonished "I never really notice how long it gets because it's always tied up" I replied.

"You should wear it down more often" he said "I don't know" I replied "you should May" Andy said and I laughed "since when do boys give girls advice on how to style their hair?" I asked.

"Girl don't you worry" Andy said impersonating a Diva and doing a sassy hair flip, we all ended up in a fit of giggles and had to lie on the floor.

We lay in star position with out heads in the middle "this is what's great about being a kid" I said "well your the kid were teenagers" Andy said "I'll be 13 in a few weeks!" I said.

"Oh yeah but for now your a child" he said and I smiled and shook my head "hey, we should get back" Jake said and  we all stood up, I pulled my hood over my head as Jake and Andy got ready.

"Hey Jake you can stay over at mine if you want" Andy suggested "yeah sure" he replied then they looked at me "May?" He asked.

"No it fine, you two need to spend some guy time together" I said "aww come on it will be fun!" Jake said "yeah" Andy said agreeing with him and I sighed.

"Fine, I'll meet you at your house then Andy" I said as we ran home in the pouring room, poor Jake and Andy ended up getting drenched.


I opened the door slowly and stepped inside my house, I could hear shouting coming from the kitchen and I headed upstairs slowly.

I walked into my room and packed the clothes I would and put my bag back onto my shoulder.

The shouting was starting to get louder and I stood there for a few moments before deciding to write a note to tell them where I was.

Staying over At Andys, I'll be back in the morning maybe later it all depends. Love from May xx

I left the note on my bed and decided to go out of the window I didn't want to risk going downstairs, I opened the window and threw my bag out onto the grass.

I slowly put my foot down and climbed out closing my window before holding Onto the ledge for a few moments, I heard the click of the window and knew there was no going back.

I jumped and aimed for the grass I remembered the best thing to do when jumping from a height is to bend your knees, I landed but didn't bend my knees and heard a crack come from my knee.

I gasped as I fell backwards onto my butt and held my knee "ouch" I whispered sitting on the soggy grass for a few moments I slowly got up and shook my knee.

It felt fine I might of just moved it out of place is then ran towards the Biersack household...


"Seriously?" Jake asked laughing as I sat with red cheeks while him and Andy laughed "you had a crush on your brothers best friend?" Jake asked.

"Shut up. At least I didn't fancy our Spanish teacher we had last year" I said looking at Andy while he blushed.

"It's not true" he mumbled "then why are your cheeks red?" I asked and he blushed an even darker shade of red "are you guys okay?" mrs Biersack asked opening the door slightly.

"Yes we're fine Mrs Biersack" Jake said and she smiled "you can just call me Amy" she said and we nodded "try to at least get some sleep" she said before exiting out of the room.

"Right so where are we all sleeping?" Andy asked himself as he stood up "I'll sleep on the floor" I said standing up "No May me and Jake both decided that you should have my bed and we'll sleep on the floor" Andy said.

"It's fine Andy" I said putting my hands on my hips "Nope May your having the bed and that's final" Jake said and I sighed "you sure?" I asked and they both nodded.

"Thank you" I said hugging them both as we all settled down and Jake turned the light off "night May" Andy said "night Jake"

"Night everyone"


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